JM: How many meals did you get per day? Joe: 3 unless you had canteen Matt: we only got three meals per day
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Joe: Very poor quality. It had no taste. Everything
was bland and mushy. There was no seasoning on it
and it was often cold when you got it. If I had
money for canteen, I would prefer to eat that
then go to eat the food that was prepared. The
only thing that I enjoyed at the chow hall was
milk. At least I could get plenty of that. Matt: all and all the food was not bad but was kind of
bland and very seldom had salt or pepper and most
of the time all the would serve was potatoes but
the chicken was the bomb needed more meat and
there breakfast sucked no eggs mostly oatmeal no
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Joe: most of the time breakfast was the best because
there was cold cereal. Dinner was the worst meal
of the day. There was rarely any good food for
dinner. Matt: did not eat breakfast and dinner was the best
meal of the day the chicken was the bomb but not
very filling
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Joe: One night a week they provided popcorn and a
movie. Some church services also provided snacks.
Otherwise commissary was the only source of food
outside of the meals provided. Commissary was
fairly reasonable. Some things were cheap and
others were a little more expensive. Matt: there was commissary but was very expensive when
you only make three dollars a week so really cant
buy a whole lot mostly was hungry because the
food would not stick with you for very long