JM: How many meals did you get per day? Fred: 3. Alfred: 3 meals a day. If you didn't get the supplied meals,
or you missed it because of another thing going on,
you where out of luck. Darryl: we got three meals per day
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Fred: Sorry to say, it wasn't too good. Alfred: It was fair. The coffee was lousy and very weak, I
really like my coffee. We saved evreything. I
didn't like the way the chicken came ou and alwys
gave mine away. Vetagbles had no seasoning, and
rather over cooked. The meat wasn't bad, small
portions, but adiqit enough to hold off hunger. If
you were a big eater, you had try for seconds,.
Juice was the mainstay for liquid refresment. Weak
juice Darryl: The food was absolutely terrible. The jail would
use the cheapest things that they could find.
Their only objective was to meet the minimum
daily calorie count that they had to by law. The
only time we got real food was on thanksgiving
and Christmas we got real turkey dinner.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Fred: I guess the worst was the rice and beans. The
chicken wasn't half bad.
Alfred: As above the chicken wasn't very good, very moist
and a bit underdone. . They had
hamberger patties one night and that was the
best.Everyone tried to get more of that. Darryl: All of the meals were my least favorite. A lot of
guys just would not eat the food because it was
so bad
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Fred: We has commissary once a week where you could
order up snacks if you wanted to. Alfred: There was a commassary, it was a little expensive,
and it was hard to get to. You can order on line at
certain times of the day nd they, trustees would
come around and deliver it for you. Darryl: There were no extra snacks. If you were lucky you
could grab an extra piece of fruit from your meal
and save it for a snack later. The commissary was
very expensive with a small selection