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Interview with Fred, Alfred and Darryl

JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications?
Fred: Yes. You had to fill out a medical slip and you could get into see a doctor or nurse.
Alfred: All meds were supplied every morning and evening. I recieved my high blood pressure pill the second day I was in there.
Darryl: Yes, the medical was very good

JM: How did you get your medications?
Fred: Every day, 3 times a day they would pass out whatever you were supposed to get.
Alfred: They came around twice a day. You stood in line and they watchedyou take them as they crosseoff your nameon thelist. When you where inprocessed, they made up the list of meds you recieved.
Darryl: The medications would be delivered in the morning and evening and we would go up one at a time to receive them

JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this?
Fred: I didn't see a lot of abuse of drugs in there. I'm sure it went on but I just didn't see much of it.
Alfred: I never saw a punishment. On person was caught with something duing shakedown, and then we never saw him again.
Darryl: If any was caught with drugs they would be charged as if they were on the street. Yes, one time a guy got caught with drugs and was arrested.

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