JM: How many different blocks were there? Clayton: i am not really aware of how many blocks were
there Darryl: I hav eno idea . The place was huge . I remember
pulling up in the early morning hours in January ..
saying to myself " this place is huge ".. Kristofer: i think there were 6 buildings with 4 blocks per
building but i'm not sure
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Clayton: the blocks did not have names Darryl: They did not have names . I believe we had a
numbered pod . I was pod 420 Kristofer: there were buidlings numbered 1 through 6 and
then the blocks had letters, a block, b block,
like that
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Clayton: they had inmates for drug use, drug
distribution, there were holding cells for the
more serious crimes Darryl: I was in Essex County Jail . Big and in Newark NJ .
You name it . They were there . In my pod we had all
from child support to murder . Kristofer: the blocks were separated by types of inmates.
Medical had their own block. Protective custody
had their own block. The guys who worked for
time off had their own block. Maximum and
minimum security had their own blocks like that
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Clayton: the worst part was being pushed around and
having to eat at specific times. the best part
was being left alone if i stayed to myself Darryl: The nicest part of the Pod was , I had a top bunk
with a great shot of the TV . We had cable with all
the channels . That TV never went off . The worst
part was probably the bathrooms . Everything is
stainless steel and very cold . The showers were
like stalls with a rubber curtain . Kristofer: I was only in one block, d block of building 5.
The worst part is i was housed with some of the
violent offenders, the dangerous gang bangers.
so if fights broke out, which they did we would
get locked down. And we were strip searched at
least once a week. The best part would have
been we had one hot female guard who worked 1
day a week hahaha