JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Clayton: i stayed in a holding cell for 2 days before
seeing the judge Darryl: I sat in jail until it was worked out . no charges
filed . I was in the main jail and then moved to
Delainy Hall which is a rehab/program type setting could smoke , wear your own close . You had
counseling sessions , aa and na meetings . Not many
people took it serious . Kristofer: I had a public defender. Pre-sentencing was
just my lawyer trying to cut the best deal he
would with the proesecutor to give me the least
amount of time behind bars. there were a lot of
post-ponements and delays but i did get credit
for that time i was already sitting in jail
waiting for official sentencing.d
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Clayton: no, i was drinking in public Darryl: Back on the days when my life was a haze and I
drank too much . My wife asked me to leave shortly
after having our daughter . I wasnt physical but I
yelled alot I really dont blame . She took
out a restraining order and I came back the next
night . It was 13 degrees outside , I had no car ,
no money and I dont know anyone in NJ . It was a
shitty situation . Kristofer: I was arrested for selling drugs. I made a drug
deal at the usual spot i would sell at and right
after i made the deal a couple of cop cars came
out of no where, one stopped me and the other
stopped the guy i had just sold to.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Clayton: i sat for about an hour in court til i was
called then the da and my lawyer spoke to the
judege . Darryl: I went to court once by video and then twice by
actually being taken to the court room . It sucked.
My daughter was a month old and I had to see her in
that situation . My wife lied through her teeth but
there was nothing I could do. Kristofer: court was a bunch of b.s. I was in handcuffs
and ankle cuffs like i was a mass murderer. i
sat in and watched several other people go
before me, then when it was my turn, the deal
had already been made. So i was sworn in and
then pled guilty to the deal already worked out
by my lawyer.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Clayton: i was charged with a quality of life crime Darryl: Violation of a restraining order . No charges were
filed . I was released . Kristofer: my original charges were possession of cocaine
with intent to distribute felony over 50 grams.
I ended up pleading guilty to possession of
cocaine with intent to distribute under 5 grams.