JM: How many meals did you get per day? Sparkie: 3 Craig: Three Allison: 3 meals provided per day.
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Sparkie: so-so Craig: Some meals were ok and some were terrible.
Overall you didn't get enough food. They served
soup with lunch and dinner. And that to was good
and bad. You can get seconds on soup if there's
any leftover. Allison: Aweful! I was , after some time, provided with
kosher meals which were frozen and much better than
the regular food. The portions on both meals were
very small and we were not allowed to keep food not
eaten or save for later. so, if you were not hungry-
too bad.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Sparkie: no Craig: My favorite was the chicken and turkey dinners.
The worst was hot dogs. I don"t know how you
screw up a hot dog but they did. They were
horrible. Allison: Breakfast was better than any other. Oatmeal and
farina was ok but cold. The coffee was terrible:
watered down to no taste.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Sparkie: if you bought commissary Craig: No snacks that I can remember. Commissary was
good you can get just about anything from soups
to thermals to calling cards. Prices were fair. Allison: No other snacks offered unless you were pregnant.
Commissary options were actually decent and pricing
was moderate; of course you needed someone to put
money on your account which many did not have. some
girls had alot of money and opened "stores" doubling
their snacks in the process.