JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior? Victor: Not in county. But I went to prison and due to
more charges in New York I could never get my
threat level lowered. I guess I got the smallest
amount of time that they would allow off of my
sentence, but they give that to anyone, and unless
you stab someone or get into fights constantly,
you will not lose that time. Mike: This was not available, especially in county jail.
Because it was clear from the beginning that I
spend more than one year in jail, I really only
supposed to spend one year in county jail, but it
ended up being longer because they were behind in
processing prisoners for transport to state
JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior? Victor: Not much. I did 4 years on a 5 year sentence. Mike: I have no idea. My sentence was the mandatory
minimum so I had no chance to receive time off. I
was never eligible for parole till I served that
mandatory minimum and I was released after that.
JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior? Victor: It helps to be in "programs," and to have certain
jobs. It also helps if you are a snitch and kiss the
ass of everyone. But that was prison... there were
no incentives in county. Mike: I was not in that situation. For a person in that
situation, that determination was made more based
on the inmates total record, meaning number or
priors and amount of time already spent in prison.
When eligible for parole, they went before the
board and most guys came back at least two or
three times before they were approved for parole.