JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Nicole: i am not too sure what pre-sentencing is. this
was my first time getting arrested so i was in
shock and couldnt belive i was going to jail let
known getting aressed. i was scared. if i could
take it all back i wwould. its now 2013a and i
still think about what i did.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Nicole: the day before i got i arrested. my boyfriend at
the time got into a fight he was treating like i
was one of his kids. that was one of the reasons
why i left home in the first place. well anyways
i had enough so that night there was a blanket
drapped over a table out on the balony and i took
a match on lit the blanket. to this day i am not
sure how much damage was done, i never seen any
pictures. when i see the fire start i went down
the back stair case and stared walking.the next
morning i called the lady that lived under us and
she call the police and they came to where i was.
after that it was all a blank to me.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Nicole: about a day or two before my case a man had
killed his girlfriend and her child or childern
so when i did my crime the media tried to compare
my case to their but no one got hurt or killed in
my case. everytime i went to court there were
camras and media in my face as i was getting out
of the van while hand caffed and in shockles
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Nicole: my original charged were arson and at the end of
it all i got attempt arson.