Interview with Kathy, Cameron, Norm, Arturo and Isidra
JM: Did you have regular access to telephones? Kathy: yes we do have at least 1 phone in our cell Cameron: yes I did there are phones on the dorm Norm: Yes phones were available 8am-10pm and there was
one phone for every 4 inmates. Arturo: no I did not have access Isidra: If regular is every minute then no. But I suppose ee did. The only
time we couldnt use the phone is when we were locked in or
going to court. Or off property.
JM: What types of charges applied for calling people? How much money would you guess the average inmate spends per week on phone calls? Kathy: you have to make a collect call no other way,
and as for what it would costI am guessing from
my phone bill a flat rate of $10.00 per call Cameron: I know that I spent at lease 5 dollars for a
half an hour I never made collect calls Norm: Each call cost 1.75 to connect and then 10 cents
per minute. Phone cards were sold in 5 dollar
amounts and most inmates spend about 20 dollars
per week with many spending much more. The average
inmate would use each phone card for one 30 minute
call. Collect calls and debt accounts could also
be set up depending on the number with the same
costs applied. Arturo: charges were 1.85 to connect and 10 cents a
minute after the first minute I saw people spend
60 to 80 per week Isidra: The most a inmste can personally spend on phone time is 90 $
and those cost $5 for 15 min. And for your loved ones its 3.00
for a 15 min. Phone call. Don't include the extra too many
dollars that have to be spent on unnesscary charges but
JM: Did you need to buy phone cards to call out? Kathy: no I did not buy any, and I do not believe there
was any to buy Cameron: yes you had to buy phone time Norm: Yes phone cards were one option. The other option
was to make a debit call in which the number
called could setup an account specific for that
number to be used instead of the phone cards. Arturo: you have to have money put on an account Isidra: The only time you really need to buy a phone card is if nobody
out there has money on their phone. Or if you want to call who
you want on your own expense
JM: Did the jail screen your calls? Kathy: yes they do, there is always someone that
sreeens your calls Cameron: as far as I know they did Norm: Yes, each call was recorded and monitored. Many
examples of the jail listening and acting on
things discussed over the phone. Only legal calls
in designated separate assigned room were private. Arturo: yes they monitored the calls Isidra: Im not too sure but before each call they say our calls may be
recorded and im positive they are dince I attended a trial where
the D.A. no my mistake the complaintants lawyer had phone
records and recordings as a closing remark