JM: What else would you want a friend or family member to know if they have a loved one going to this jail? Charles: Often times if a person is in jail it doesn't
mean they are guilty. My adivce: back them 100%.
Support them how ever you can and get them good
solid legal representation. Nick: This is not a vacation and regardless of what has
happened in the past there reactions could make a
difference in the outcome after release.If someone
is destined to be a criminal maybe there is no
hope for change.Today the statistic's prove that
80 % of our local jail populations are either drug
or alcohol related.I can tell you incarceration is
not meant for rehabilitation.What family and
friends do could make a difference in the final
outcome.Although there are groups like anger
management,commitment to change, and GED classes
they have a purpose but often I believe the
facilitators are there for a paycheck
JM: If somebody knows they will be serving time in this jail what is your advice to them? Charles: Don't do a crime that you know they you can't do
the time. Focus on constructive things like
studying the law. Often times a person gets
arrested for certain crimes and they don't even
know their legal rights. Nick: Do the time don't let it do you, mentally pre-pare
yourself for what is about come. Someone is going to
be dictating your every more.Find the clicks and
stay away from them.
JM: Please list any other jail or rehab facilities you have been to. Charles: Clinton Dannemora Nick: NY State prison Gawanda