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Interview with Charles and Nick

JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications?
Charles: Yes, there was always a guard available if you were sick you reported to a gaurd they would put you on the sick call list. Once on sick call they would have a nurse come and diagnose. If it was something serious that required a hospital trip, you'd go with two guards by your side.
Nick: No and Yes,it generally took at least 1 week if not 2 to get proper medication.Mental health is always an issue for medications,The jail does not know what you were you doing on the street, if you are under current medical care it is a process to have your doctor fax information to the jail. Most cases they will make you see the jail Doctor before your medication are approved, and even then medications are give at their Dr.s opinion as to whether you need them or not.The last time I went in I had had my medications faxed to the jail by my Doctor, my attorney submitted a copy to the court, and the medical staff had been contacted to make sure my medication were taken care of prior to my commitment.It still took at least 1 week to get the medications straightened out.

JM: How did you get your medications?
Charles: They have those brougt to you each day accourding to how it was supposed to be given out. They watch you take it and swallow it with water.
Nick: Medications are dispersed 3 times a day unless otherwise ordered by a doctor. The "med cart" comes and the CO announces it,medications are given out 1st come 1st serve with a guard next to the nurse. The nurse will ask you how you are doing and a short response is required but you are not allowed to ask about any other medications. These issues are to be addressed on a sick call basis.If you have questions for a Dr. chances are the only response you will receive is from a staff PA.

JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this?
Charles: You could be put into solitary for a couple of days but that didn't stop it from happening.
Nick: People would try and keep medications under their tongue and sell them afterwards.Anyone caught doing this would be brought up on new charges and locked in there cell till further notice.

Read about inmate clothing in the Ontario County Jail

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