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Interview with Will

JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications?
Will: Like all other facilities, due to fear of drug addicts and such, they mainly offer ibuprofen and tylenol for the great majority of pains, aches, and such. Again, like in most facilities, a lot of inmates lied about mental health issues in order to get psychotropic medication to get high off of or to sell.

JM: How did you get your medications?
Will: They had a cart come up to the "sally port," which was the secured connecting area at the entrance of the pod. They had a nurse and a cop and they inspected your mouth to see if you had actually swallowed it, whether it was tylenol or prozac.

JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this?
Will: I have seen people who were caught with a large amount of prescription drugs. Some were saving it to use all at once and get high, some were saving it just to grind up and snort (I have seen people do this in the day room, in the open!), and others were simply selling it. They go straight to the box, and sometimes they stay on the unit on "keep lock" and have to stay in their cell until they get the decision as to what punishment they receive.

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