JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? Sally: tv, books, computer labs, outdoor activitis with
balls Marsha: There was softball, soccer basketball.
Board games Card games. There was a
Book. Club oh plenty of books. Television
and Dance Classes, I love to dance its a
great motivation to get your mind off of
things, its a stress reliever. There a Gym
and family and friends come to visit you
that. Brings up your confidence.
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. Sally: i had access to the computer lab but on rare
occassions, tvs were accessible for most Marsha: We agree on what to watch but if not
there was competition with definitely
force. I don't really care for television, so
I went with the flow of things. It was one
time I wanted to watch news, want to
see whats going on in the world and
rude inmates come in demanding the
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? Sally: no i am very small by nature so it did not really
make a big difference in my complete physical
condition Marsha: No, and fact I lost little bit of weight
which is good. 4 pounds. But I heard
women always losing then gaining weight
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? Sally: once to twice a day depending on inmates behaviors Marsha: Yes, I was allow outside I learned to play
softball and soccer that was a good
experience. I know how to play
basketball. So I played a little of that.
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? Sally: yes on sundays, very calm and quiet aside from
uniforms you would have thought it was normal
people just going to church. they had a general
nondenominational one and sometimes catholic to Marsha: Yes, They offer it. I didn't attend church
because I'm Sprituial. I don't practice
organized religion. So I don't know
where.they was held.