JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Kaylie: No. I didn't talk to nobody. I just stayed to
myself. They did talk to me, trying to be
friendly and asking where I was from and all
Reggie: I'm a good size man. I had no real issues with
other inmates. Besides I was into my bible and
taught bible classes Alfredo: I only had a problem with a few inmates. The one's
that think that their charges are cool so they try
to talk themselves up. But for the most part no
one bothered me. Rosa: no i stuck to myself and did my time alone and it
is safer that way so you dont get in anyones
business or personal problems because that is why
arguments start
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Kaylie: In there they were kind of friendly. They didn't
look like they wanted to be in a fight. There was
no bullies in there but I still just stayed to
myself. I think thats the best thing you can do. Reggie: Just be myself. I have a way of doing that Alfredo: Honestly I don't try to be but a lot of folks are
intimidated by my physique. I'm ex military and I
take good care of myself and it shows. I also
treat others with the same respect I expect
regardless, of their charges and I'm Christian so
I stay in my bible. I a quiet person so I don't
really give anyone a reason to start anything with
me. Rosa: stay to your self and keep your mouth shut and not
argue over the phones or television. just stay by
yourself and dont make friends because no one
there is your friend and you hope never to see
them again anyway so it relly should not matter
what they say or do
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Kaylie: No. I was in a dorm and they just told you where
your bunk was at and that was it. Reggie: I was in a cell b;ock much like a dorm Alfredo: I was not able to choose a cellmate, but I was
able to get a cell by myself because I showed good
behavior. When I did have cell mates it only
lasted for about 2 weeks tops. Rosa: no of coure not this is not college and you cant
choose a roommate this is jail you sleep with
whomever and where ever they tell you too thats it