JM: How many meals did you get per day? Kaylie: 3. Alfredo: You get 3 small meals a day and the last meal is
at 5am 11am and 4pm. Rosa: we got 3 meals perday
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Kaylie: I didn't really eat it. It was disgusting. Even
the smell made me sick. Alfredo: It's pretty hard to mess up breakfast but they
seem to do it. The proportions are very small and
it's almost all starch (ie grits,2 pieces of block
bread, one slice of boloney) Sometimes they won't
even cook the food all the way and if you don't
eat it you just don't eat. Rosa: it was horrible and filled with starches, no real
meat or milk or eggs. everything was cold and
processed and only on holidays did you get any
type of rel meat. the inmates cooked it and i am
sure id thier best but it was absolutely horrible
and some o it i would not feed to a dog
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Kaylie: The food was just bad in general. Even the kool-
aid was weak and sugarless. Alfredo: I like the "gravy" grits and block bread because
it was filling, and the chicken patty with block
bread, not so filling but good. Rosa: no of coure not nothing was good except or cereal
and than the milk was half the time expired and no
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Kaylie: The would send paper around every sunday and you
could order something if you had the money and
get it in a couple of days. Alfredo: Commissary was the only high point. One of the Icy
white honey buns has more calories that one of the
trays they feed us through out the day, I checked.
The honey bun has 80 more calories than a whole meal. Rosa: we had commissary but it was expensive. if you
were a diabetic or pregnant you got snacks such as
oranges or apples with milk and graham crackers
but that was not for general population at all