JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Kaylie: I guess it was just the time I spent in the jail.
I was arrested on a Friday and didn't get to see
the judge until 1 o'clock on Monday. I was in the
county jail the whole time. Reggie: IO spent 3 1/2 years in jail waiting for trial Alfredo: During my pre-sentencing process,I was hand cuffed
to another prisoner and placed in a holding cell.
After about 20 minutes I was brought to a two way
television where I saw the district attorney the
judge and some other person, who I thought was my
lawyer but wasn't. After my charges were read to
me the DA brought up the fact that I was prior
military, after which she claimed that I would be
a danger to the public if I were given a low bond
so the bond was raised to keep me from signing
myself out. I was then taken back to my cell. Rosa: I was awaiting to go to court and had to sit there
from July to Nov 2009. attorneys would never write
or come see you and you could do nothing but sit
and wait and the gaurds would tell you your court
dates if you were lucky to get them to do that
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Kaylie: I was arrested for shoplifting milk. I also had a
failure to appear charge I didn't know I had. I
was arrested right there in the store.
Reggie: I was called on the phone and told somebody
wanted to talk to me. When I got there I ws
arrested Alfredo: My crime was a misdemeanor larceny of a
playstation 3. On September 27th 2013 the 6 police
officers came to my residence at around 11:45. I
didn't know they were there and I walked out on
the front porch to smoke a cigarette, and all 6
officers were at the door with guns drawn. I was
not read any miranda rights, I was just cuffed and
shown a warrant with the wrong name on it and
taken to process. While I was being processed the
detective in charge asked me why I looked so
angry, so I looked at him and shook my head and
told him to finish processing me with out asking
retarded questions. He got upset because as he
asked more questions I ignored him so he added a
felony charge of obtaining property under false
pretense. Rosa: i was pulled over for leaving a drug area and the
cops pulled me over and searched me and they found
nothing on me but took me downtown or a strip
search and found emtpty baggies in my panties and
that is what and how they charged me with it
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Kaylie: I was worried abot how long they were going to
give me and whether I was going to be able to go
back to work because I had a job at that time. Reggie: A real stupid joke. At one point a witness got on
the stand and admitted to committing the crime
and was set free. A victum admitted that the only
reason she said what she did was because her aunt
told her to. The aunt also admitted that she told
her neice to say something Alfredo: I was bonded out so I still haven't been to court
yet for my 2013 charge because my court date was
pushed back several times while I was locked up
from Oct 25, to Nov 8th, to November 27th which I
missed because the prison guards said I wasn't on
the roster so I got a failure to appear charge
added, to December 20th and now Feb 7th 2014. But
as for 2011 they pretty much did the same thing
and then gave me time served after the minimal
sentence is reached Rosa: Court was fine but waiting to get into court took
forever, if you an a inmate they are not concerned
about putting off your court date. you had to sit
in a old holding cell all day waiting with a old
peanut butter and jelly sandwich tath was really
old and nasty
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Kaylie: It was 3 counts of larceny and one count of
failure to appear. Reggie: I had 2 counts of 1st degree rape of a child and
a bunch of other stuff. I was found "NOT GUILTY"
on 7 charges and had 4 dismissed. Alfredo: I can't remember all my charges from 2011 but I
plead guilty just because the public defender said
if I fought it I'd have to stay longer. But I know
that was given misdemeanor and convicted the same.
This years charges are misdemeanor larceny and
felony obtaining property under false pretense.
I've already done the minimum for the misdemeanor
so more than likely the felony will be dropped
because the victim is not pressing charges where
trumped up so I'll only be convicted for the
lesser because I've done enough to please the court. Rosa: poss. of a controlled substance