JM: How many different blocks were there? Zach: There were around twenty different blocs. Of
the five floors there were four per. the guard
houses sat in the middles. There were cameras,
but it would still take the guards thirty
seconds or so to get in and break up a fight.
Real damage could be done in that spanm of
time. In total, there were around nine hundred
inmates when it was designed for half that.
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Zach: The blocs were named by letter and number
together, starting at the bottom floor and
working up. The med bloc had its own name in
addition. Sometimes they were referred to as
East or West wing this or that I think by some
of the staff. It is hard to remember, that was
eight years ago.
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Zach: The fifth floor had the people back from prison
on more cases. The second floor was the med
blocs. the first floor was intake, and the
other floors held everyone else. Intake was the
worst, because twenty people were thrown in a
cell with no beds and one toilet. It was never
cleaned and the smell was horrid. You could be
moved if you got into a fight to seperate you
from another individual.
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Zach: There was only one decent bloc which was the
medical ward. The ceiling were low and the
noise was not amplied. You could actually hear
yourself think. You had a bed here instead of
the hard plasitc slabs in the other blocs. It
was cleaner in the med blocs and no one was
yelling and screaming. a guard sat right there
so nothing crazy went on.