JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications? Zach: It was always a battle to convince the docters
you needed certain meds. Drugs were money to
them and they didn't like to waste them, unless
they had less work to handle you if you were a
zombie, which was my case. Everyone knew this,
so people would cause problems just to get
medicated. Inmates at the jail would also cheek
their meds just ot sell them for food or other
JM: How did you get your medications? Zach: A nurse would come around an give them out.
They had me so drugged up that when the nurse
was late, which was often, I would start to have
withdrawals and become violent. You had to
check and make sure you were getting yours and
the right dose or you could end up overdosed or
with someone else's meds. The nurses there were
the bottom of the barrel and hated their jobs.
You could have your family drop of your meds to
give to the nurses as well.
JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this? Zach: If they found drugs, they would put you in a
solitary confinement area for a set period of
time. I never saw anyone get any extra time for
the possession ot it, most likely becasue the
staff wanted to do as little work as possible.
They might refer you to someone to talk about
these issues or suggest you go to a group for
therapy. Drugs were so common that nothing was
ever really done about it, except ask where they
got it from, because staff sometimes brought it
in, or guns. A guard almost got shot while I
was there from a guard giving someone a gun.