JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)? Jake: Jump suits misty: ORANGE SHIRTS AND GREEN AND WHITE STRIPED PANTS Sam: Orange jumpsuits for the common inmates. Bruce: jumpsuits Brian: No outside clothes were allowed. We were issued jail
coveralls, with an undershirt, boxers, socks and
lace-less shoes.
JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you. Jake: An orange jumpsuit for regular inmates. Gold for
inmate worker misty: IT LOOKED LIKE SOMETHING OUT OF CAT IN THE HAT Sam: Inmate workers wore gold two piece sets. Regular
inmates wore orange jumpsuits. Mental cases wore
green jumpsuits, or striped jumpsuits. Bruce: orange jumpsuit Brian: Each item of clothing was orange. Washington County
Jail was stenciled on the back of the coveralls, and
each of the other clothing items were also labeled
as WCJ property.
JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned? Jake: Yes the proper size misty: NEW SOCKS AND PANTIES Sam: Get the proper size and become an inmate worker
fast as possible!!! Bruce: good sandals Brian: Some of the boxers were in terrible shape;
experienced inmates made a point of asking for new
boxers during intake and requesting a cell close to
the front of the laundry line.
JM: Was the clothing different between men and women? Jake: yes women wore striped tops. and they were a
different color. Men wore jumpsuits misty: YES THE GUYS HAD ALL ORANGE SUITS AND THE WEOMEN
HAD STRIPPED PANTS Sam: Regular male inmates wore orange jumpsuits, that
said "inmate" on the back. Inmate workers wore gold
two piece sets. Women wore gold bottoms and white
and green stripped tops. Bruce: no Brian: Women were offered sports bras along with the other
articles of clothing.