JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior? Jake: yes i got a month off misty: I GOT MY GOOD TIME Sam: I got 30 days off good time/ work time. For being
good and having a job. Bruce: no Brian: Yes; after one month in WCJ proper, I was
transferred to an alternative sanctions facility
called the Washington County Community Corrections
Center, where I served four months of my six-month
sentence (with one entire month dropped for good
JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior? Jake: 3 days a month misty: i THINK ITS 3 DAYS FOR EVEY 10 BUT I AM NOT SURE Sam: Four days a month is the max you can get. Bruce: I believe 1 for 3 days Brian: 10 days per month for time served as an inmate
worker, which I enrolled for right away. A further
10 days per month were cut off my sentence for good
behavior while at the community corrections center.
JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior? Jake: write ups! misty: GOOD BEHAVIOR AS WELL AS BEING INVOLVED IN THE
INMATE WORK CREW Sam: Fights and arguments. Do as told by the staff and
don't get any write ups.
Bruce: no fighting and listen to the staff Brian: By enrolling as an inmate worker (I was assigned
kitchen duty), I was able to qualify to spend time
at the community corrections center. I was also
able to keep up the reduction in time served by
exhibiting good behavior at the center.
I witnessed two inmates fighting at the center,
whose good time computations were stricken and
they were sent to the solitary pod of the jail for
30 days, which did not count toward time served
for their original crimes.