JM: How many different blocks were there? Dodo: 7 Pods, RHU & SNU in one pod Misty: A. B. c. D. SNU. Rhu. Work release and female. It has
rhu/SNU section a work release section and a general
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Dodo: Pods A,B, C, D, RHU (restricted housing unit), SNU
(special needs unit)Female, female work release,
male Work release Misty: A boys intake and serious offenders
B worker pod plus child molesters
Work release
Restricted housing unit or rhu
Special needs housing or SNU
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Dodo: Pod A was intake, very crowded
Pod B was general population
Pod C was general Population
Pod D was "honor pod," for inmate workers
Female Pod, and separated within this unit was
female RHU/SNU, called the "fishbowl." Female
work release was connected to this unit, separated
by jail door. Male work release pod was desirable,
less populated. RHU/SNU for disciplinary and very
mentally-ill inmates. Misty: A had males intakes and murders
B was worker pod and child molesters
C d were general pop
Work release had non violence no escape risk
F has females
Rhu. Punishment pod lock down
SNU. Mental health Inmates or need protection
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Dodo: At one time, there was the highest number of sex
offenders, in jail history, and these men were put
on different pods, but were eventually all put on
one pod because sex offenders are considered the
lowest and were often threatened. This jail also
housed state and federal inmates who were
integrated into general population or worker pods. Misty: Not really anything nice about jail. There was a lot of mrsa and
people had Luce and scabies. It was really gross and you
always heard about people getting infections from spider bites.
You had to be very careful not to get I infections because it
was difficult to get rid of it.