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Interview with Tara, Greg and Don

JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications?
Tara: NO< NO< NO In order for me to have a job in the infirmary, i could not take anything stronger than a tylenol. weird rule. Despite the fact that I had 2 hip replacements and wore a brace that was painful. I had to choose to occupy my mind through work, or be in pain. I opted for using my mind and being productive.
Greg: If you have serious health issues you don't really got the medical help that you need If you have any kind of the building pain or anything like that you do not have access to any type of of pain medicine whatsoever
Don: yes for the most part

JM: How did you get your medications?
Tara: twice a day a nurse would push a cart into the cell block with the medications pre sorted in a cup. You had to stand in front of her, take them, then say AH and show the neandrethal security your opened mouth tio prove you took them.
Greg: You could get some confirmation decisions like anti diarrheal or antacid and maybe some ibuprofen a few things like that but that's about it
Don: The guards and the nurse come in with a big locked cart and a clip board. before they come in you get locked down and they call your name one by one to get your medications

JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this?
Tara: i was aware that people, "cheeked" pills, but I didn't and I don't know what the consequences were.I did not witness anyone doing this.
Greg: If you got caught using drugs you would get sent back to the whole or get set back to the full jail instead of Being over on the work early side on the rehab side of the prison
Don: You get put into the hole. And also time can be added to your sentence. Luckily I didn't do drugs

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