JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Lois: The pre sentencing process took place after the
initial arrest. I was caught red handed and took
directly to jail. I was placed in the old jail at
that time. Bad conditions including it was winter
and there was an open window at all times. There
were at least 12 more men then there was beds. A
guy made jail house hooch and slept in the very
back and everyone always gave him their peaches at
lunch so he could add them to the hooch to be
fermented. The first Monday came and I went before
the judge to get my bond and it was too high. So I
stayed another week and he lowered my bond and I
got out. @ the same time I plead guilty no contest
and the judge did pre sentencing that day and I
got 3 years supervised state probation where I had
to go in one day weekly plus I had to be paying
money in toward my fines, court cost, and restitution
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Lois: I missed a coplu of times that I was supposed to
have went in for a visit with my probation
officer. Times were tough and I was out of work. I
wasn't able to come up with the money to pay on my
monthly fines and fees. I was afraid to report in
because I thought that they would have me arrested
for missing the meetings and not paying on my
fines plus I had a friend come over and he smoked
weed with me. I was stupid but I was scared to go
in because I might have gotten drug tested then I
would have violated probation. One week I had a
traffic accident where I rear ended an old lady. I
had no insurance at the time. There were a lot of
different reasons why I did not want to go back to
my probation officer so I began laying low as if I
were on the lamb. Finally I was driving home on
the interstate one night. I was riding to close on
the rear end of a big truck that was blocking my
view around it. All of the sudden it got over in
the other lane and I did not have time to react. A
cop had his lights on with somebody pulled over in
the emergency lane. Everyone had gotten over but
me. The cop pulled out and pulled me over. I
started balling because I knew that when he ran my
name that I was going to end up in jail. That's
what happen on March 15th 2007. They violated my
probation and I stayed in the county jail for 94
days. Other counties that had a hold on me was
Knox County and Anderson County but I served those
94 days in CCSD and they let that count for time i
owed in Knox and Anderson County.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Lois: Upon being captured for my initial offense I
stayed that first 15 days waiting for them to
lower my bond. I think the court system there in
Campbell County treated me with courtesy and I
believe they handled my case with accuracy. I gave
the court and the judge the respect they were due
and the judge was of a good nature towards me. It
was a natural criminal court set up with all the
bells and whistles. We had a ballof, a jury(not
for my case), a typist, A lot of lawyers, and a
room full of county residents and worried loved
ones of people who were in trouble. The people who
were in court that day ranged from all sizes,
shapes, colors, and different age groups.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Lois: I was charged with aggravated burglary and 2
counts of theft over $500 and I plead no contest
and was convicted of those charges. Now that I
look back on it I wish I had faught it because I
may have gotten the charges reduced if I had of. I
stole an electric guitar, an amp, and a muzzle
loader. I am not sure if I could have gotten the
charges dropped but I was not thinking right. I
had just experienced the pains of losing someone
who is dear to my heart for the first time in my
life. My dad died in November 2002 and I was
convicted in March of 2003