Interview with Charles, m ray, Leon, Jean, Accountant, Hot attorney, Lil Will, Cam, big boi, Claire, Walt, Carl, Ed, Devin, Mitch and Ronaldo
JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? Charles: Recreation was available every weekday once a day
for an hour. Depending on your housing location
you were inside or outside rec. North tower and
decker have outside rec. i think all the others
are inside. church is usually available on
weekends. In the towers church services are
reliable, in the other jails they are rarely
available. m ray: sh* really nothing rec maybe a couple times a
week depends wheater those lazy f*s want to do
there job other than that there church and thats
it Leon: Rec. time once per day mostly inside at the basketball court. They
usually didn't have outside rec. as it took more officers to watch
inmates. Television from 6am. to 10pm. Jean: Well, the library cart comes one a week and you can check out
three books. Everybody tries to pick something you can pass
around, because it's a long day. Bibles are hard to come by.
Everyone wants to get religion once they get locked up. Myself
included! You get religion, for whatever reason. So, the library
cart comes once a week if you're lucky. The problem was they
would always cater to the men, so by the time it got to the girls,
there wasn't all that much to choose from. I have since taken all
of my books - I buy them at garage sales - and I take them to
the County, and I take them for the girls. The other big pastime
is the TV. That will create nothing short of a riot. When you get
there, there's always a group of girls that have control of the TV.
I literally mean control of the TV. If you don't like what they're
watching, tough shit. If you want to watch a soap opera, you
better hope it's what they're watching. Accountant: I was in one holding cell to the next holding
cell........there was no leisure time. Hot attorney: Nothing. Lil Will: TV dominos cards recreation and some illegal shit Cam: They would come around with the book cart once
every week allowing your tank to only get 6
books. Church on sundays (if they have not
reached the limit.)And recreation was available
at the discretion of the officers working the
floor.. In most cases the officers did not want
to deal with the hassle of watching the inmates
while they went to recreation. big boi: wreck time Claire: types of facilities that help pass the time is
trusteeing,maybe going to rec,attending
church,going to class.i tried to stay very active
on all things mentioned due to i'm an active
person.even going to law library was fundamental
and helped in pre trail process;able to obtain
insite on new laws to help Walt: Board games like chess, Yahtzee, checkers,
dominoes, cards. We had to share a rec yard with
another tank we would get it one day them the
next. The other tank was the senior tank they had
a meeting room and you had to request a transfer
to that tank as they had special privileges, more
rec time and aa meetings. Carl: There are no facilities at this jail available to
help pass the time, there is only the cell you stay
in and i had to sleep most of the time to help pass
the time, and talk to the very few people I felt
were safe enough to talk to. Ed: well they have tv that you can watch but you can
only watch what all the other people watch in the
tank fights over the tv erupt all the time is is
not a pretty thing they have book cart that comes
buy once a week but not very many books Devin: We were supposed to have rec at least one time a day but
sometimes we didn't get to go out. It basically depended on
the mood of the pod officer or the conduct of the pod. We
could also play cards, dominoes, and chess but inmates had to
buy those items from the jail store. Mitch: Books and recreation, via gym time. Most people
just walked around or staged fights, hooked-up,
etc. I wrote a lot and many inmates find their
writing ability while locked up. Some write
plays, others rap, it just depends on education
levels and how long you will be locked up. I read
my bible as well. Ronaldo: There was a library that would come time to time
with books that you could check out to help you pass
the time. A pack of cards was out (incomplete) and a
chess board(again,incomplete) Besides that, there
really wasn't anything that was offered to us. We
had to sort of come up with our own games.
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. Charles: never went to Rec. m ray: u watch tv or play cards Leon: Anyone could go to rec. Television was usually by popularity but
sometimes someone would want to fight over what to watch. Jean: The TV is on first thing in the morning - I think it comes on at
7. Of course, you get up to eat at 4am. I think it came on at
7am, and then it usually would go off at midnight during the
week, and 2am on the weekends. It's the weekend, so they try to
treat you like it's the weekend. It's pretty fierce competition, with
the pecking order. I've come pretty close to fighting myself, I
mean, this is what I want to watch! Accountant: No Hot attorney: Didn't want to watch tv. Lil Will: Most fights are over TVs on weekends its sports
versus movies. Cam: Fierce..Basketball was only available.. The tv
in the tanks was the cause of 90% of the fights
in your tank..there was always someone who
wanted to watch only what they wanted to watch
and they did not care about the other
inmates..The fight was on.. big boi: we had tv... Claire: only entertainment you get in jail is when you
have a character come on your tank;clowning all
the bothering the c.o's,complaining
about unnecessary issues,coming off a drug binge
or just wanna act a fool.i personally don't see
any competition in known of this.i had regular
access to be outside the tanks cleaning Walt: We could request whatever channel we wanted to
watch depending on our collective behavior would
determine if they would grant our requests or
not.We would mostly agree on a channel after they
surfed them through by democratic vote. There was
always a few dissenters but the majority was
always clear. Carl: No entertaiment was there to compete over. There was
no television, no exercise room, no basketball
court, no smoke room, just my cell, and all i could
do is sleep as much as i can to pass the time and
talk to a few people and then sleep some more. Ed: like I said before you have to watch what the
tank bosses watch they hog the tv you don't have
a choice at all if you change the tv you always
have problems or someone will beat you up it is
all about intimation and fear you just have to
go with the flow so to speak Devin: There were two tvs but there was competition on what we
could watch. The pod officer usually decided what we're going
to watch just to keep the confusion at bay. Most of the time
there was one tv that played a Spanish speaking channel and
the other was on an English speaking channel. Mitch: I do not understand what you mean by
ENTERTAINMENT. This was jail. the only
entertainment I was privy to was violence. In
North Tower, once I wrote a skit for the in-mates
o perform and when the CO's and especially the
SRT's got wind of it they shook us down and put
the entire cell on restriction for a week. WHY? I
have no idea. Ronaldo: Yes we did have regular access to the
Basically everyone would agree to watch a certain
channel but when I got there, there was already a
schedule that the inmates had already come up
with. For example, black inmates would have the
T.V. the first half of the day and hispanic
inmates would have it in the later half.
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? Charles: I lost some weight, but mostly due to not eating much. m ray: i dont know i am usually so strung out in end up
getting in shape Leon: No I was a trustee working 6 days per week. Jean: No, we didn't have any facilities to workout whatsoever. Accountant: No Hot attorney: I was in for just 4 days. Thank God a great
lawyer named John Read bailed me out. Cam: would normally work out in your own cell. big boi: no Claire: yes,i had a hard time due to all the starchy food
I ate daily.there really is no way to get your
cardio up. Walt: No it was actually easy because the calorie intake
was so low a very light workout and you would lose
a lot of weight. I hardly did any exercise but
lost weight 4-5 pounds on light activity. Carl: Yes I had a hard time staying in shape in this jail
as their is no exercise facilities and the cell was
so packed it was hard to have my own space to do
anything Ed: well I did not I did push ups and walked in
circles around the day room you have to do it
yourself or you will get weak Devin: Not really because there was not much else to do but work out.
It helped pass the time and it kept my mind from wandering o
on my sisituation. Mitch: No, that was the easy part. The meals provided by
the jail are meant to sustain life and that is
all. Many inmates had a hard time and often
complained of hunger however, I weigh 143 lbs.
and enjoy my size, therefore, soy and vegetables
suit. Ronaldo: Not really. The guards wouldn't allow us to do any
excercises in the pod but then again the food that
was served didn't exactly make you fat.
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? Charles: Never unless I was being transferred between
jails/court. m ray: maybe 3 times aweek Leon: Daily on the ride to where we worked. Jean: You're supposed to get yard time like you see on TV where
you're supposed to go outside and get fresh air, but it's not
going to happen. Not in Dallas county. You never get out. You
never see daylight. The whole time I was there, I never got out.
It's very inhumane.
You might see some girls walking around the room exercising a
little bit, but for the most part, no. There's too many beds and
people, and the TV is going, and people yell at you to get out of
the way - it's just hardly worth it. There is no working out.
Accountant: N/A Lil Will: Every day if you want Deker and New Hollands let
you go outside but at Sterek they are inside gyms Cam: Never!!!!! big boi: none Claire: at north tower we was not allowed outside had
inside gym which consisted of a volleyball
net,ball on a basketball court.very little to do
with that Walt: We had our own rec yard split with another tank
and as I stated before we had it one day they had
it the next but we had it everyday for at least an
hour and on our main day we had it 3-4 times a
day. Basket ball goal and 3-4 balls. Carl: I did not get to go outside at all, this jail does
not let inmates outside, we just stay in our cell.
If i could exercise it was minimal and in the cell. Ed: well once a day usually 6 am in the morning they
have a little court withbasketball goal and you
can walk in circles around the court Devin: We usually would get to go out once a day and when we did
people either worked out or played basketball. There wasn't
much else to it. Mitch: WE did not go outside often at all. Sun light was
non-existent, not too mention fresh air, we never
had much of either. No surprise. Ronaldo: Though I was trustee status, I never stepped foot
outside. I heard that only certain inmates get to go
outside and they were trustees that had been
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? Charles: Yes Lew Sterrett has them regularly, standard
christen services are usually on Sundays, with
bible study on Saturdays. m ray: yes there in a tiny room a most of the time u
wouldn t have it cause they dont have enough
time to get to everyone Leon: Yes. Volunteers were allowed to come and give services. Usually 2
times on the weekends. Jean: Yeah - some guys came in and gave services on the weekend -
they were nice. Accountant: N/A Cam: Church was on Sunday and Wed. for
Catholics..However, they would only let out a
certain number of inmates from each floor..if
you were not in the ground and the limit was
reached then you did not get to go to church..
Church was good, however most people would only
go to see their friends and socialize and would
not even pay attention to the sermon.. big boi: yes Claire: yes,great midweek services held on Wednesdays and
sundays;people take out the time to come
aminister to the captured is wonderful Walt: Sundays at 8:am where the church services for our
tank and we had a bible study one night a week. Carl: Dallas County jail does not offer church services
nor will they give you a Bible to read to pass the
time. Ed: one time on sunday for an hour but they only take
a few people first come first serve that is it Devin: They did and they weren't bad. They were held in a room inside
the pod and it was usually led by someone who had been in
our shoes. Mitch: Yes that is the one thing that was a constant.
Being in the bible belt, there is every kind of
service imaginable. Most people go to get out of
their cells. Ronaldo: I was no locked up on a Sunday but I did hear they
would offer it and there were regular prayer