Interview with Charles, m ray, Leon, Jean, Accountant, Lil Will, Cam, Claire, Walt, Carl, Ed, Devin, Mitch, Ronaldo, Hot attorney and big boi
JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Charles: Every time I have been in the county jail it has
been for probation violations on the same case. I
didn't really see much of a difference between
pre-sentencing and post sentencing. I was always
arrested in the adjoining court house, and put
into a holding cell in between the court house and
jail. Then I was taken into another larger holding
cell, then taken to central intake. if you are
good, you now get to sit in chairs while getting
booked in and watch TV. After the bookin paperwork
is complete, prints, and pictures are taken you
will be placed in another large holding tank until
you are dressed out in jail clothing. You then are
placed back in holding until you are assigned a
housing unit, and given an armband. When you are
finally classed and given a housing assignment you
will be taken to a housing unit and issued a clear
bag with bedding and such inside. The bookin
process takes about 10 to 12 hours on average. m ray: ITS HORRIABLE DEPENDING ON WHAT JAIL YOU ARE AT
ATTERONY Leon: I was arrested in Richardson, transferred to Dallas County 1 full
week later. I could not post the bond so I remained there until my
first court date 3 months later. Jean: Mine was a probation violation. I have been incarcerated
numerous times for it, from place to place. It just depends on
where they pick you up, or where they find you. I was picked up
at the border. As far as my case goes, I've been incarcerated
three times in Dallas County. One time was a transfer, so that
doesn't really count. You don't have to go through the booking
process or anything like that. Normally, that pre-sentencing
thing would be for if I got pulled over for a traffic violation. For
me, basically, there was always a warrant for my arrest. The
police would ask me if I have any warrants, and I'd say no, and
they'd ask me if I was sure, and it would go from there.
A couple of times I had the chance to bail out. What you do is go
to the county jail, and they run court all through the night. If
you're picked up at 2 in the morning, you'll see the judge at 3 or
4 in the morning. You're going to be held to see the judge to
make bail. He's the one that's going to bail you out or not.
So then I bailed out. At Dallas County, if you're making local
phone calls, they're free. You'll be in a holding situation, which
is quite unfavorable, and you'll be in there with everyone and
their dog, and all the women are together. Fighting for a phone
is tough. I know every number I need to know in my head
because you can't take your cell phone with you. You can't take
anything. You just go in there with your clothes on, and your
shoes on. It's so cold. They keep the temperature down because
they have staph infections that run rampant there. People are
drunk and sick - you've got hookers... they keep the
temperature down to keep the threat of diseases lower.
Accountant: N/A Lil Will: Bond the fuck out if you can. you sit and sit and
sit and sit. Most times you get a letter weeks or
months later with the name of the public defender
that you never see until you trial if you have
one. They want you to plea all the time whether
you did the shit or no. Cam: My trial was quick and i was fortunate to get
Probation on my case. Claire: once booked I waited to magistrate which was long
wait,then slept until its was time to go to
housing were they take your property money and
hand you a uniformstayed in county until court
date.was unable to bond out so I got comfortable
read daily until may day in court came. Walt: I was taken into custody searched and then sat in
an area that had access to phones and Bondsman,
but by the time I saw the judge at 10:pm and bond
was set they moved us to an area that didn't have
access to phones. I was then transferred to a
medical pod to make sure I wasn't detoxing from
alcohol. I stayed here for 2 days and then was
moved to a regular 64 man pod. My inmate number on
my wrist was supposed to be my code to make a
phone call but it never worked so I had to fill
out a phone complaint form. In the meantime
someone finally let me borrow an envelope so I
could write my little sister a letter I never knew
if she got it or not but 10 days later a lawyer
came and talked to me that my sister hired. My
phone code was fixed after 11 days so I could
finally make calls but by that time I had written
my boss and family. Carl: The presentencing process was very lenghty. I waited
2 days in a holding cell to be able to go see the
judge to give him my plea and receive my sentencing.
While waiting to see the judge you do not get a
blanket or pad to sleep on either just had to sleep
on the concrete. Ed: well they put you in jail and it is not very
plesent and starve you and about 30 days pass buy
then you go to court and they always want to plea
bargen with you buy this time you are sick of
jail and you just take what they offer Devin: They have you in book-in for almost half of a day, and then
you are housed until your case is disposed of in one way or
another. You may be transfered depending on the progress of
your case or any other number of factors. In all honesty, I feel
like it's better than collin county. Mitch: Well it was interesting because I was arrested in
another state and extradited back to Dallas so I
was not arraigned in Dallas but in Virginia where
a NO BOND sentence was established in order of
extradition. When I arrived in Dallas I was held
without bond initially for four months then a
bond was set at 150,00.00 because of supposed
flight risk. Ronaldo: The wait just to see the judge is exaggerated. I had
to wait at least 12 hours just to see the judge.
Another 4 hours just to start the booking process.
In total I didnt see the inside of a pod till at
least 20 hours after I set foot inside the jail.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Charles: No m ray: no Leon: The Richardson police came to my apt. with a search warrant and
kicked in the door. The next day I was interviewed by a Richardson
detective. Jean: No, I was picked up on a warrant. Accountant: No. I was on my way to the airport, and was
stopped by the Irving police department, per the
cop for speeding; however others seem to
think "racial" profiling... Hot attorney: A bunch of DPD, some of whom have been fired for
being crooked. Lil Will: Yes they usually stop by with black suits and door
slammer. Cam: no. big boi: no Claire: yes,once when I was envolved in agg.rob case I
was let go after questioning but grand jury found
evidence to seek a warrant police came to my
mother house raiding it looking for me causing
her to be very nervous;all other times was
arrested on the spot after I commited crime Walt: I was stopped in Garland by a police woman after I
had got a ride back to my car that I had called a
cab from earlier that morning because I wasnt in
good enough shape to drive. I went home slept a
few hours showered stayed up all day talking to
friends in AA and getting sober, one of my AA
friends took me to my car later that night around
8:30 pm after I was dropped at the motel I drove
my car out of the parking lot and onto Garland Ave
when I saw the cops behind me I drove for a few
minutes they must have run my plates and saw I had
prior DWI's 1982,1991,2003 so they pulled me over
I explained to them I had not been drinking and
was bought back to my car they saw my record and
were convinced I had alcohol or something they
searched my car, nothing they took me to blow at
the Garland jail, and I blew 0.0, I had told them
I had done some drugs the day before so they took
me to the hospital to take blood. I still dont
know what is going to happen as they released me
on EM or electronic monitoring so I am serving at
home like I am in jail as part of pre trial
aggreement. My lawyer had my license reinstated. I
just renewed my license yesterday, the date of the
arrest was 5-4-13. I was released 5-16-13. I
believe the case will be dropped as they can see I
am sober. Carl: The cops came by my apartment and my friend answered
the door. The police asked for me and just came on
in to make sure I was there. The police told me
there was a warrant out for my arrest and handcuffed
me and put me in the back of the car and took me to
jail. Ed: no police came buy I cashed my own pay check that
my boss tried to garnish illelgly I went to his
office and got my check and jkust cashed it my
bosses wife called the police and I got arressed
foor cashing my own paycheck I took probation and
viloiated it and went to prison Devin: I was actually involved in some things that I should not have
been. I was trying to get some money for gas and food and
ended up taking something from the wrong group of people. I
pretty much had to run for my life and ended up wrecking my
truck. I got out and ran through an apartment complex to hide
and I guess some of the witnesses called the police. Mitch: I was living in Virginia and working as I had
told my lawyer I would be. He was supposed to be
covering everything while I sent payments to his
firm. However that did not happen. He failed to
advise me of a mandatory court date in Dallas
that I missed and a warrant was issued for my
arrest. I was stopped in Virginia and arrested on
another charge and then extradited back to Dallas. Ronaldo: Not exactly. I had an arrest warrant and constables
came and arrested me on a Warrant Roundup. They knoc
ked on the door, nobody answered so they opened the
door and found me in my room. Asked me my name and
social and took me in. The warrant was for Failure
to Pay Court Fines.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Charles: Only time I ever saw the judge I was just dressed
in the jail uniform, it was a 5 min process, I
might have said one word, the judge and my
attorney did all the talking. it wasn't a formal
hearing. m ray: you sit in a holding cell packed full of inmates
for up to 12 hours waiting to plea out to your
case which is what usaully happens to walk in
the court room for two secs and get your
sentance then go back to the holding cell for
another hour or two i have spent 15 hours in a
holding cell and havent seen anyone Leon: I was taken to the court house at 5:30 am. I sat in a holding
tank (extremely overcrowded) if the tank capacity said 16 people
they put about 25-30 people in each one. My lawyer showed up
I talked with him about 5 minutes or less he told me the plea
bargain offer. The second time I was taken to court was the
same but they offered less time and I accepted. If you get lucky
and get done early you will get back to the jail cell about 2:00
pm. Otherwise you don't get back until about 5-6:00 pm. Jean: The court appearance really sucks. You're already incarcerated,
and you have to wear the icky jumpers, you don't have any
makeup, you probably haven't had a shower, and it's quite
uncomfortable. I was on probation, for a white collar crime, and
they treated me as if I would probably rape 17 little kids down
the street. In other words, I looked like an inmate already. You
look like an inmate, and you're treated like total dirt by the
judge because the living conditions at Dallas County are
absolutely unfavorable. It's the worst hell hole in the world.
You're dirty, and they don't have proper toiletries, and you don't
get anything until you actually are charged and are moved into
General Population. Accountant: OH MY GOD, the worst ever. This was the only time
that I had been in jail, so I wasn't expecting to
share my court appearance with all the other
inmates, verbally stating your case/explanation
in front of everybody. Hot attorney: Expensive suits. Lil Will: kangaroo courts. I dont mind doing time for the
shit I done but it seems like once you done done
some little shit you cant catch a break even for
the shit you aint done. Cam: Very Intimidating yet odd. big boi: no so good Claire: court was always a struggle due to I had court
appointed lawyers,it was a long process because
you don't know who your lawyer is until they call
you out to meet and discuss what prosecutor is
offering for your crime,no time to really make
adecision just a railroad type deal Walt: I was in court twice before I got released. And I
report twice a week to Judge White in court 192nd
at the same address as the jail. I do UA's on
Mondays and Fridays and report to EM for payments
and to check my em equipment every Friday after
court. I had to order a breathalyzer for my home
that is portable to satisfy the court I am not
operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol Carl: The court has its own room in the jail, it actually
looked pretty nice. I stayed handcuffed the whole
time and the judge called each inmate one at a time
to get their plea and give their sentencing which
took a very long time and is very boring as you
just wait your turn. Ed: well I got aa court appointed lawyer that screwed
me I had done 5 years on a 5 year probation that
she railroaded me we walked into the court room
and next thing I know I get 10 years for a 5 year
probation isent that something dallas county made
a 5 year sentence to a 10 year prison sentence Devin: Court was agonizing. The wait was absolutely ridiculous and
the lawyer that was appointed to my case acted like she didn't
even care. The first hearing she didn't even show up. The
second time I again had to wait forever for my case to be
heard. On top of that, the information regarding my case was
inaccurate. Mitch: Court was like a circus. The judge served as the
ring master and all the lawyers on either side
were the acrobats jumping through hurdles and
flying trapeze while we the plaintiffs and
defendant (caged animals) were served up by
cracked whips to the audience for amusement.
Justice became a caricature of itself. Everyone
just went through the motions. Ronaldo: Court was quick and organized. The court itself was
pretty quick. Besides other inmates refusing to
behave themselves everything was pretty much in
order. Judge was very easy to talk to and would
answer any questions that he could answer. The whole
process took no more than fifteen or twenty minutes
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Claire: theft
theft enhanced
poss. of con sub Walt: My original charge is DWI 3rd, I am not convicted
of anything at this time and hopefully the charges
will be dropped. Carl: Third time caught with marijuana Ed: my original charge was forgery Devin: Burglary of a motor vehicle and criminal mischief.
I was convicted of the first and cleared of the latter. Mitch: My original charge was assault with a deadly
weapon. But it was reduced to a simple assault
after plea agreements. Ronaldo: Failure to pay court fees. I was found guilty.