JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? Raymond: They had a running or walking track, they had
weights which was the most popular, they had
classes for rehab, they had church services, they
had self improvement programs, they had libary
and computer classes. You could not get on the
internet, but you could learn Word Perfect, power
point and so on.
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. Raymond: Unless you were in solitary condinement you did
We had two t.v rooms at each end of the block,
4all together. As long as you were not working
you could go in there or to the weight pile, or
library,any functions going on that night. If you
wanted you coulsd just sit in your rooom.
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? Raymond: not as much as I am now. I had congestive heart
failure about 5 years ago and e=right before I
did I GAINED ABOUT 150LBS in a month that seems
not to be going anywhere.
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? Raymond: we were allowed outside everyday unless you were
under restriction. We would walk to work, to the
hospital for medical. It was pretty much open
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? Raymond: I think they were held a couple of times a week,
I personally never went. I went 1 time and it was
just nit for me.