JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Julie: I was alright not a long wait at all the Judge
was cool Inmate's Sister: at first they tried to give him 8years and he
took that to trial and by him having priors
already they went on and sentence him 20years
because he fit the profile"quote" thats what the
da stated. Claire: I had violated my probation and turned myself into custody. I
went down to the county jail, you know, the main area where
you go to process release bonds, went to the window, and told
the lady what I was there to do. I gave her my name and SPN
number, and she pulled up my warrant. She gave me a copy of
the warrant and told me to have a seat. I already had a feeling I
was going to be there for a while because according to the
warrant, I had several "technical" violations against me, the main
violation being the charge of Theft by Check. Jim: After being reset 13 times I was sentenced Inmate's Mom: He was stopped at 2 a.m. on the 25th of July for
speeding and got arrested for DUI. He spent the
next 34 hours in custody, although we posted
bond as soon as humanly possible. DK: It was a long wait to find out what I already
knew Smyth: Demeaning to say the least. Are told at very
start two things are true: 1. You don't matter 2.
You don't matter. Ken: The process is very invasive. You have to call
in once a week and be prepared to go downtown
for drug / alcohol test in my case. They also
question you. The wait is usually quite long,
often in excess of a couple of hours in a loud,
crowded waiting room. No one is in a hurry to
get anything done. Charlene: I had been waiting on my disability case. I had
documented medical records. The court appointed
lawyer I had was pathetic. I had to get my own
records & affidavit. The attorney general's
office knew this. It was concerning child
support. I have been sick. Greg: Sucked the judges are very hard as well as the
time your spent waiting, could be two thing's
your nevious as hell to awaite the judge, and
than your having an attonrey, on time.. Is a
great advice, get the cell # and make sure this
never happen's to anyone. GMan: You are treated as guilty. Jamie: like any other facility the processing took
time. look your there to do your time not enjoy
a vacation. what do you people excpect, the
faculty is there to do there job not make you
feel like you at the holiday for real. no
the food is not great, but you chose your crime
and you have to do your time. at least they feed
you and give you liquids.. Leisha: deputies are good at getting you booked in. even
though it takes hours, with no food and sanitery
is very unclean Toby: well i was out on bond, for about a year before
i pleaded guilty. and then the judge gave me
another month, to get everything in order before
i turned myself in. that was cool, because i
needed to take care of some bills, before i went
in. Joseph: when i went in to be booked they jail was
overcrowded and they kept the holding tanks
unbearably cold. i was given one frozen bologna
sandwich to eat from 3 a.m. sunday morning until
about 12:30 a.m. tuesday morning when i was
released. when i finally got a deputy to listen
to what i had to say when i was trying to
complain about not getting any food i was
told "f* you that's not my problem". The
deputies kept threatening to not feed inmates,
lose their paperwork for a couple of days, and
made violent threats to even the most passive of
inmates. when i went to the medical unit for
evaluation for xanax withdrawals everyone was
shut into a small, extremely hot room and the
deputies kept playing random noises and sound
clips through the loudspeaker to harass all of
the inmates who had been sent there for
psychiatric evaluation. also, most of the phones
were broken and a few of the holding tanks
lacked any way to drink water unless you were to
drink it directly from the toilet bowl because
the spickets had just enough water pressure to
leak out of the edge of the spicket of the
already unsanitary drinking faucet. Lisa: Well this was my first(and by Goddess) last time.I
don't remember much "pre-sentence". Brandy: I was incarcerated 28 hours. My bond was posted
within 2 hours of my arrest. It took 26 hours to
process before my release. I had nothing to drink
and had 2 frozen bologna sandwiches and 2 oatmeal
creme pies during the entire 28 hours. Consuela: I was talked to like a dog. The entire time I
was there I seen so much inmate abuse it was a
shame. I was told to shut the F*** up by the
Harris County Sheriff's several times and that I
deserved to be in there...and they didn't even
know why I was there. Tiffany: Pleasant and quick Rachel: I was unable to post bond and I was looking at 2
years. I had a public defender and I was stuck in
jail so I wound up pleading guilty just to get
out sooner. Chris: the pre sentencing processs was just the
prosecution stalling for more time and
continually rescheduling court appearances when
the fact is is that they are just strapped for
time and stalling. they keep telling the judge
that they need more time while they tried to dig
up more of my criminal background. Sandy: I went to court many times before there was an
outcome on my case. I hated this process. You have
to be in court at 9 but they wake you up at 3 30 to
take you down there and then they make you wait
until you are called for court Ginger: I had to go to court several times because my
case kept getting reset and the judge didn't
want to give me probation and my lawyer kept
trying for me so it took awhile. After many
court appearances and a whole lot of waiting, he
finally got me the sentence I received. Craig: There was a Pre-sentencing Investigation done by a
Pre-Sentence Officer from the Courts downtown. He
came to my house and talked to my Father etc. He
had asked questions with my Dad on me and what was
going on with me in my life as far as work and
what happened as far as the incident concerning my
ex-girlfriend. Lesley: court appointed attorney that just wanted to rush
me into pleading guilty so he could get on to the
next inmate. Did not want to hear about officer
searching me with out a female officer around or
that there was no reason for him too pull me over
.. ....but later in the process he showed up at my
front door
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Julie: No i Did not Inmate's Sister: noClaire: No. I had actually called my probation officer to ask her when my
next appointment was, and she told me I had a law violation. My
only options were to either be arrested at home, at work, or during
a traffic stop, or to turn myself in. I turned myself in a week later. I
figured I'd rather do it on my own terms than have them have to
come looking for me. Jim: Yes Inmate's Mom: No. DK: no Smyth: No Ken: No Charlene: no Greg: Never, GMan: No Jamie: no Leisha: no
Toby: no the police came to my house, but only to
arrest me. they didn't question me or anything
like that if it wasen't for the letters ,that i
received about a week before i got arrested,
form attorneys. i wouln't know i had a warrant
for my arrest. Joseph: no Lisa: Yes Brandy: Yes I live on the river and the police were
looking for someone that had been poaching deer. Consuela: Yes, the day of the incident i was arrested at
my home but the report says that I was arrested
at another residence. In fact it was at the
person who accused me of the crimes address. Tiffany: I was pulled over for an expired registration
sticker and I had a warrant out for a prior ticket. Rachel: Traffic Stop. Found drugs in the car Ralph: I was surveilled over night. I was arrested the next
day as I was backing my car out of the driveway. Chris: the police never did stop by my house . i came
to be arrested by being out at the clubs
drinking all night. i ended up getting in a car
accident at about two in the morning . i was A
PASSENGER in the car and i pannicked and tried
to hide in an emty truck in the parking lot . i
was charged with burglary of a vehichle Sandy: Yes, the police came to my parents house to arrest
me and there was really no questions they just took
me I had warrants and for some other things that had
happened My parents had my arrested for some things
that I had done to them, They did not questions me
they just read my my rights and the process began Ginger: The police didn't come to my house, I was pulled
over while driving intoxicated. I was taken to
jail at that time. I was given some tests to
check my sobriety level like the breathalyzer
test and also walking in a straight line, etc.
They determined I was under the influence. Craig: I had a bench warrant. I was in oregon and my sister
told me that the police was looking for me so I
waited till after the holidays and came back to
harris county. I called the police to pick me up.
They picked me up and took me to jail. Lesley: pulled over for supposedly rolling thru a red
light had never been ask to get out of my car till
then officer was upset about a accident he had
just been in that put a dent in his new suv
cruiser i still say he was overly aggressive and
high on steroids he stood 6'2" and had muscles
every where
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Inmate's Sister: for the times i did go to court for my brother
they didn't even let him defend his self,bascily
they talked for him.the guy that was supposed to
be invovle told the judge that wasn't the guy
who robb me"quote" his words but they still gave
him the case. Houston: The actual appearance is rather short . You
spend all of your time waiting to be called. Claire: Well, my first appearance was in pre-trial, or "TV-court" as the
inmates called it. You basically are led down to a "courtroom"
where there are benches for the inmates in back of the room,
and in the front of the room, there are areas for the judge, the
"witnesses" and the "jury," but there was a large TV screen in
front of the ceiling in front of what would have been the judge's
bench, and the screen is blank when you first walk in. The
deputies seat you, and a few minutes later, a female judge
comes onto the screen and gives a speech about what is about
to happen. Basically, they tell you that this is pre-trial, that you
will be read off what you have been charged with and you can
either plead guilty, no-contest, or not guilty. The speech is
pretty long, and then you have to listen to it in Spanish. Then,
once that part is over, another screen will pop up, and this
screen is divided into four sections. The top left section will
show the inmate (who is also standing there in front of us, but
for purposes unknown to me they must also show a live capture
of the inmate as his/her charges are read off to him/her), the
bottom left will show the prosecutor or District Attorney, and
the bottom right will show the judge. The top right portion is
usually empty. The only good thing about this is being able to
listen to what others are in for, I think.
In total, I went to court four times. The first was for pre-trial,
the second was for the probation violation, the third was for the
theft by check charge, and I went to probation court again
towards the end.
Pre-trial was the easy part. My second "appearance" (and each
one thereafter) really weren't appearances at all, as I stayed in a
bloody holding cell the whole time, sometimes for hours on
end, countless hours. Harris County calls for inmates going to
court at around 3 a.m. Mind you, court doesn't officially start
until 9 a.m. What do you do for the 5-6 hours before you "go to
court"? you ask? Well, first, all the females who are going to
court have to be strip-searched. Yup, strip searched. We get to
line up d****d near shoulder-to-shoulder along the walls in this
cold-a** room (the "gym") and get buck-naked, one piece of
clothing at a time. You take off your outer shirt, shake it out.
Take off your undershirt, shake it out...bra, panties, socks,
shoes, etc. Then (here's the worst part), you turn around, squat
all the way down, and cough. To me, that is the most inhumane,
most humiliating thing about going to jail. They treat you like
you ain't s***. I think some of the guards and deputies think that
s*** is funny.
So after that horrible part is over, we hop on the elevators
(facing inward, like cattle or something), and go down to the
underground tunnel. We line up along the wall, and our names
are called one by one, with our court #s and some of us have to
change positions in line to better facilitate separation by court
number. Some of the inmates act like they're deaf and can't hear
their names being called, and others act like their mouths are
like engines with the governor left off, they just run and run and
run, talk, talk, talk. What the hell is there for you to talk about?
The unspoken (and spoken) rule while you are in line is to
basically shut the hell up. If you talk while the deputies are
trying to do their job, court will literally become an all-day
venture. The deputies don't care. They have all day.
When that part is over, you go to yet another holding cell, one
designated by court number. The deputy that takes you in there
warns you that, "The louder you are, the longer you'll stay in
here." But do they listen? Nope. It's bad enough you sit there for
what seems like an eternity, waiting on them to call your name
to have you sit in yet another holding cell for another eternity,
but then you have to deal with the threat of sitting there even
longer because these so-called women can't shut the hell up.
Go figure. Once the deputy decides to come back and call you
for court, you are again separated into more holding tanks by
court number. These tanks are adjacent to each courtroom to
better facilitate moving the inmate back and forth in between
the courtroom and the holding cell, as well as to make it easier
for the inmate's lawyer to go to and from the courtroom. Don't
ask me how. It's pretty sophisticated, actually.
I never actually "appeared," except for when I signed for my time
on the theft by check charge. I went before the judge (in
handcuffs and a uniform that was about two sizes too big for
me, but thank God one of the girls had braided my hair the night
before!), he read off my charge, I pled guilty, and I was
sentenced. I was also granted credit for time already served.
Then, I went back to the holding tank. All I can say is, if you are
an impatient person, shake that s*** off before you go. Their
motto is, "Hurry up and wait."
Jim: Well, going to court in Harris Cunty is a
terrible process. You are waken up about 330am.
You are lead out and go through about 4 holdover
cells before you finally make it to the floor of
your court room. There are hundreds of inmates
going to court and eventually when you mae it to
your court there are about 10 or 20 in your
courtholdover. There are 4 or 5 windows for you
to be able t talk to your attorney. You have no
privacy and everyone can hear you talk to your
attorney. Inmate's Mom: Have not appeared yet. DK: It was a pre sentencing court appearance in
which I had one while in custody Smyth: Meant to wear you down into taking a bad deal. Ken: I had several court appearances as my case was
reset many times. When we actually pleaded the
case, the deal or arrangement for my punishment
had been negotiated by my attorney and the
prosecutor. Charlene: It was a circus. Both lawyers knew my daughter
was not even with her father. They only pushed
for child support from me, even though I had won
my disability case. The attorny general's
lawyer was definitely on a power trip. No one,
would have sought the methods she did. Again,
she knew my daughter was not with her father.
THERE WAS NO JUSTICE. Greg: It was a big court house, Downtown like everyone
else it is a dark, long room, and there is a
light the light IM refering to is the door to
led out of the court room out of the justice
system, the whole thing is depend's on how u
dress, act and react be respectfull stand up
when called and don't keep ur ears open the
people around u will make sure u are not on ur
game. make sure u are there to get this over and
done with and put it behind u. GMan: Formal and demeaning. Jamie: same as allways slow and tiring Leisha: court appointed attorney are rude, and i believe
they work for the courts Toby: well the first time it was scary, because i
didn't know what was going to happen. but after
awhile, it kind of got to where i knew what was
going to happen. each time i went after that
first time it was nithing but reset after reset
so i kind of got tired of that. Joseph: me and about 30 other inmates sat in a holding
cell that was unbearably cold and all of the
court appointed attorney refused to provide the
representation requested by those they were
representing. Lisa: There were a LOT of people in the room.The Judge
looked a little grouchy but I had heard he was good.
Brandy: My first court appearance was the day after my
release and it was just a quick reset to obtain an
attorney before my next appearance. Consuela: The holding cell was freezing cold and there was
no toilet paper in the cell and when someone
asked to get toilet paper we were told to shut
the f*** up. There was one sheriff that had
assisted properly by the name of officer
Jefferson. But then he was told to leave us be. Tiffany: Court was weird. You do everything with the judge by
closed circuit television, but it was quick. Rachel: My family told me whenever my court date was
they'd drop off clothes for me. They didn't even
tell me I was going to court. I was told to step
out of my cell. I had a chain around my waist
that my cuffs were locked to and my legs were
chained together too. Bright orange jumpsuit
with "harris county" written on the back.
Everybody in the courtroom was staring. Chris: court was like this , i am a convicted felon
with countless convictions both felonies and
misdameanors on my record . the prosecuter has
convicted hundreds of people just like me . i
have a public defender who is also employed by
the same court . i know i dont have a chance .
they know i dont have a chance so i take the
plea bargain. Sandy: Court was horrible. I was handcuffed to people who
had committed murder and their crime was much
worse than mine. They make you wait and wait and
wait and somtimes your case gets re-set and then
you have to completed the whole process again
Courts is very scary you do not know what to
expect and your life is in their hands Ginger: Court was horrible; absolutely no fun at all.
It was always freezing cold in there. I always
had to wait forever to get my turn because it
was incredibly packed all of the time. Even when
I got my case reset, it took a long time because
there is a lot of paperwork to be done. Craig: I had to go to a Non-Jury Trial in front ???? of
Judge Jeffery Manning. My Attorney was there along
with the people from the Court prosecutors etc and
my Ex-Girlfriend and her family who were there who
was in another room, until it was time to go in
the actual court room. I had to sit next to the
court reporter at the Stand while the evidence was
presented to the Judge and while tapes were played
of messages that I left on my ex-girlfriend's cell
phone. There was a court reporter there that was
typing while I was saying what I said to my
Attorney and the District Attorney. Lesley: female judge 3 female da's one of them was pregnant
about to give birth at any time .....i still swear
those ladies were trying to make an example of me
.trying to make sure i did jail time when its my
first offense and im 50 years old at the time
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Tiffany: Traffic warrant Tom: DWI - 2nd offense Rachel: Marijuana Possession Chris: my original charges were burglary of a vehichle
and that is what i was convicted of. Sandy: Failure to appear on a traffic warrant and on theft Ginger: The original charges and final charges were
driving under the influence of alcohol. Craig: Burglary and I ended up with assault Lesley: possession less than a gram