JM: What else would you want a friend or family member to know if they have a loved one going to this jail? Marco: Just go to visitation. That's the biggest
thing. Visits were the greatest part of the
week. The visitors were actually allowed to
bring you food as long as it was sealed. I'm
not sure if they still do that. Juan: From my understanding, the jail now charges
inmates a dollar a day for incarceration. So I
would save my money to ensure that I could afford
that, plus have some left over for commissary.
Also, for nonviolent offenders, it would be
advantageous to become a trustee and work in the
kitchen. They eat better than the general jail
population. Emilio: This is not OZ or a movie, while bad things can
and do happen on occasion they will likely be
safe if they don't act like a fool. They will
need your support and love to deal with the day
to day frustrations and the not ever going
outside part can disorient you quite a bit on
occasion. Even for my short stays there it alwas
took me 48 hours or so to regain my normal
feel/vision senses after release. If you can:
visit them, answer the phone when they call and
put money in their commisary account. The truth
about FFX ADC is that while it is pretty hard
time it is generally exponentially safer time
than most institutions. The restrictions put in
place help prevent most violence and drugs but
they also make inmate freedoms and movement
almost non existent.
JM: If somebody knows they will be serving time in this jail what is your advice to them? Marco: Just keep your head down. All the altercations
were from people who were getting big. I
noticed a lot of people were coming in thinking
they were tough shit and they had problems. Juan: Don't mouth off to the deputies. They feel it's
their job to make your time as hard as possible.
Just shut up and take it. Arguing or insulting
them can lead to a physical that
you will lose. Trust me. Other than that, don't
talk about your charges. Don't talk about your
time. Try to exercise. Try to read as much as you
can. It makes the time go by. Emilio: Bring all white boxers, sox and thermals without
any logos! Come in with cash for your books if
possible because without almost immediate
commisary the first week is not going to be a
good time. Your first 24-48 hours in holding
will be horrible, it gets much better if you can
get through the not showering, sleeping, eating
right for those first 2 long slow days. Don't
act out the deputies enjoy roughing up/making
examples of inmates who do. Do your time get out
and get help for what you were doing that got
you sent here. Addiction is the reason most
people end up here whether alcohol, drugs or
easy money it is not worth being stuck in jail
or prison.
JM: Please list any other jail or rehab facilities you have been to. Marco: Prince William County Jail
New Dominion School (rehab facility)
I have been through all the ADS services in
Fairfax as a kid. Juan: After my nine months in Fairfax, I was sent to the
Virginia Department of Corrections. I served a year
at the Powhatan Correctional Center and 13 years at
Coffeewood Correctional Center. Emilio: None