JM: How many meals did you get per day? Todd: There were three meals per day, breakfast, lunch,
and dinner. Katie: You get 3 meals as day. Burl: We got three meals a day
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Todd: The food was: Not bad. Katie: Terrible. No taste, tastes reprocessed, very
bland. Also, not enough food in the portions in
the food. The food was always cold with no
seasoning. Lunch was always the bologna sandwhich
and it seemed like the dinner was the only meal
that was switched up to something different every
evening. Burl: The food was horriable it tast like pure slob. It has no tast.
And you do not get full once done eating you are still going
to bevery hungry unless you have comminsary or midnight
snaks hidden some where you get your last meal at five
thirty in the afternoon
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Todd: There was an egg salad day where I experienced
stomach pains twice and ended up buying my own
peanut butter from the commisary to bypass this
problem. Katie: Least favorites was the want to be chinese supper,
bologna sandwhich and the pork and noodles. I
think that the bologna sandwhich meal would have
been fine if it wouldn't have been served every
single lunch. Burl: No there were no favorite meals except the fruit was really
good that was my favorite part of all meals
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Todd: Only what you ordered and bought yourself from
the commisary once a week. Katie: Yes peanut butter and jelly crackers
The commissary covered all health care
necessities, however, I felt that pricing for
individual items and the size of the items was
over priced. It seemed like a small bar of soap
was like $4.50 and it was the size of a hotel bar
of soap very small. Burl: Commissary was not that expensive you get it once a week
and you have to be classsfied to order it and that could take
up tp 72 hours so you have to make sure you are classisfied