JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Todd: Arrested by Jefferson Co. police on a DUI. I was
completely cooperative as police records will
show. Katie: Had an altercation which included disorderly
conduct and county destruction to property. I had
went to a friends house in which drugs were found
on a table and kids unattended in which I caught
my boyfriend having sex with my girlfriend, this
created me to kick in a door and get into an
altercation with my boyfriend and girlfriend. Burl: I met with my attorney nd the state to come up with a deal.
They came up with one if I liked it I took it if not then the
case gose to trial and they have to go over all evidence to
see if one is guilty or if the plead no contest
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Todd: No Katie: No. The individuals in which altercation happened
called police. I was pulled over on Main Street in
Waunakee, WI where I was taken into custody. Upon
being put into the cop car I was taken back to
where the incident had occurred questioning was
done and then I was taken away to the Dane County
jail where booked. Burl: I was on my way to work I had a warrant. My car stopped
and the police came and asked for id and seen I had
outstanding warrant in dane conty and seeing how it was a
bench warrant they could not let me go I had to see a judge
before bail was even set
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Todd: There was confusion all around because I am a
deaf person who relies on lip reading and does
not use sign language Katie: Very quick and straight forward. Was given a plea
deal in which I was charged with disorderly
conduct and criminal destruction to property was
lowered to county destruction to property and a
fine was given in which I paid. I was asked a
couple of questions by the DA and the person
representing me. They answered the judges
questions and that was it. Burl: Quiet nervous. It was a in and out process though. Specailly
being on Friday or Monday those r there best days to where
you get in n out court althogh fridays are usually when
warrant people get out and get out on signature bond
pending charges they are faced with
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Katie: Original:Disorderly conduct and criminal
destruction to property
Outcome: Disorderly conduct and county destruction
to property Burl: Burglary.. domestic battery and assult