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Interview with Fred

JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't.
Fred: Most of the time I didn't have any problems with people. For the most part were all just trying to make the days go by. Theres always at least a couple of people you can relate to.

JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates?
Fred: Some inmates were edgier than others so I would try to not interact with them (cards, rec,workout, gamble). Even with one particular edgy inmate on my radar I ended up offending him. I slammed a card on table while playing spades with 3 other inmates, the card flew off table and hit edgy guy in back. He felt disrespected and told my head (white) that he wanted to fight so I had to to fight him in the corner cell where the cameras couldn't see us. As long as you are clean, respectful, and loyal to your race you usually wont have any problems.

JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change?
Fred: In Florence most people didn't have cellmates. But know you were not able to choose. For example I was celled with a black inmate once. I refused to cell with another race and was sent to the whole for two weeks.

Read about time off for good behavior in the Pinal County Jail

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