Interview with Tim, Bob, Peter, Iris, Pat, Elsie, Kathleen, George and Amber
JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications? Tim: Didn't need any, so I don't know. I would assume
that the police would want to keep you alive if
you were under their care. Bob: Access...yes. In a timely reasonable Peter: i wouldnt know. i didnt use any. Iris: No I would have to put in a request to see the
nurse. Pat: Only if you went to see the doctors. Elsie: If you didn't stay on top of it, no! If you took
or needed certain medications when you first were
arrested, the wait could be many weeks and one
frequently was in pain or withdrawing from
something or other. Thus, there was a black market
for meds. I was unable to get a bandaid twice for
my feet because the rubber shoes blistered my feet
and both times, I developed severe infections.
THEN, I got to go to medical whereby they
attempted to quarantine me but by then I needed
antibiotics and had developed infections. I still
have scars all over my feet. Kathleen: always? no. eventually? usually. once
prescriptions come thru. George: I did not personally need any medication. Amber: MEDS WERE DELIVERED BY A NURSE AS DIRECTED BY
JM: How did you get your medications? Tim: Didn't received any. Bob: Often a week or two after you've recovered from
the ailment require said medication. Peter: i wouldnt know. i guess you have to ask someone.
not sure how that works. you would probably have to
ask a guard. Iris: I didn't have any medications that I needed to
take but they would call the ones that needed it
out to the gate. Pat: You had to first go see a nurse and if the nurse
thinks it is necessary then she sends you to a
doctor and only the doctor can give you medications. Elsie: You put in a request to see medical. The wait time
was anyone's guess. If you had lice or an obvious
severe infection or bleeding, you could get up
there. Your time with most doctors was seconds and
although you might have a host of problems, they
were not going to address them all in one fell
swoop. It was a lengthy process and then you got
little cups of ointments or one bandaid. They
feared hoarding yet it was necessary. It took me
nearly six months to get sunscreen and I had three
legitimate reasons to need it. I had a life
threatening condition as a result and still it
took over a week to get to medical. The deputies
were able to expedite this so then again, it
depended upon who was working in your dorm or
unit. Very iffy. Kathleen: put in sick call request or roaming sick call.
tell the nurses in front during
initial processing and placement. nurses call your
doctor or pharmacy for confirmation George: In the morning and night medical staff would bring
required medications for inmates in need,they
would line up during lunch and dinner. Amber: MEDS WERE DELIVERED BY A NURSE AS DIRECTED BY A
JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this? Tim: Not sure, since I didn't see any. Bob: The nurse aka pill nazi will shine here penlight
into your mouth to make sure you swallowed your
pills. If she thinks you are still hording your
pills then you get switched over to liquid meds,
but like anything inmates find ways around that
too. If you get caught in possession of illegal
drugs its a new charge. but I honestly dont
think the deputies care if your high or not. Peter: im not sure. but i think the punishment is crucial.
those who are convicted probablly stay there i never witnessed this. Iris: I don't know about the whole drug seen but I
would see females coming down off of drugs and us
as her roomies would usually help them thru with
draws. Pat: I saw nurses catch people trying to save their
medication and the nurses would cut off the patient
from receiving further medication Elsie: Drugs were apparently all over and I saw suspicious
behavior frequently. I was never exposed to it. If
found on you or in your area, you were escorted to
lockdown with likely new charges which were
generally severe because you either brought it in to
a facility. Kathleen: i was never a witness to anything other than dorm
change or solitary confinment. it was possible to
incur new charges tho George: I did not witness this happening, I really don't
know what the punishment would be but I think it
would result in more jail time. Amber: I NEVER WITNESSED THIS KIND OF ACTIVITY WHILE IN