JM: What else would you want a friend or family member to know if they have a loved one going to this jail? Jerry: I would say that they should find a job working in the facility if
they are doing a long sentence. f your loved one is not one to
fight or follow rules, they should lock it up and get protective
custody. Pat: To visit as much as possible and to writew words
of encouragement to them we feel so broken and
alone when we get in there it seems like we are
instantly forgot once we get in there. Just
because we made bad choices dont mean we are bad
people we just need to figure it out and love
and encouragement can help define a person while
being locked up to what way they will go when
thay get out.
JM: If somebody knows they will be serving time in this jail what is your advice to them? Jerry: Work on yourself as a person. keep your mind body and soul
in shape. Read books, play cards, watch tv and exercise. Take
care of yourself and most important be respectful. especially
goes a long way in jail and people will see it and respect you
back. Pat: Stay to yourself get a job if you can like
laundry or anything it really helps pass the
time.Dont allow people to suck you into there
drama take that time to figure out whatyour
going to do with your life when you get out
chances are your not only hurting but your
hurting other people who love you by being gone,
focus on ways to change your patterns that got
you there on focus on morally right prorities.
JM: Please list any other jail or rehab facilities you have been to. Jerry: I've been to Sutter County Jail, Butte County Jail, San Diego
County Jail (George Bailey, Main Downtown, South Bay). I've
been to Donovan State Prison, North Kern Valley State Prison,
Wasco State Prison and a private community correctional
facility Golden State McFarland. Pat: I have been in Sutter County jail, The Depot,
The Progress house in Woodland,Chico Salvation
Army,and Harbor House transitional housing in
San Francisco.