JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Jerry: This jail is pretty mellow as far as politics are concerned.
having been to big county jails in big cities, this pales in
comparison to the violent climate in large jails. Don't get me
wrong there are some real convicts here but they get locked in
a single cell. If you just stick to the program and stay out of
politics, you will do fine here. Even with inmates doing state
time in county jail, it is still pretty safe. Pat: Sometimes it was awful we are all in there away
from our kids facing serious time we all come
from different walks of life with different
attitudes an personalities and not all of us got
along some of the officers favored other inmates
and that would get other inmates riled up.
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Jerry: Every race has their own rules. Stick to the rules and
regulations and you will be fine. Don't forget they always lock
you up with similar inmates. So the low level drug guys are
with other charges like that. The only way to try and avoid
fights is respect. Respect is all we got inside. Our word and
our balls. Without this you are sure to get in a wreck. Always
watch out for guys taking psych drugs. They are usually
unpredictable and can be known to attack at any time. Pat: Stay to myself or if I did hang out I had to be
careful on who i chose to hang out with because
hanging out with the wrong people could reflect
badly on you if they did something wrong and you
are known to be a part of that crowd the
officers automatically assume that you are
involved as well better off to just stay on my
bunk and read
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Jerry: Most of the housing in this jail is pods or dorms. Pods are a
large sectioned room with two man bunk housing on opposing
sides with a tv and table in the center. Dorms are much larger
with a common area and open floor of bunks. As far as picking
a celly, it would have to be same race and I'm sure the guards
won't have a problem. if your in a cell here it's probably
discipline or your fighting a serious violent case. As for fighting
a case in a cell more than likely your celly is too and they will
be in for a long time. Pat: We could request if we knew someone we knew was
coming in or if when we were done with booking
and knew that someone we knew was in a certain
tank and wanted to be inthere but it didnt
always mean we would get what we wanted.