JM: How many different blocks were there? Stacy: I didn't get a grand tour I'm not sure. Ron: At least 6 or 7. Tom: As I can remember there was 2 blocks.
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Stacy: Not sure Ron: They were categorized by letters of the alphabet. A, B, C, D, E, F, G
etc. Tom: No, I didn't see or recall any name for the block.
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Stacy: I'm not really sure how that was set up. Ron: Well there was intake. Then you were put into either minimum,
medium, or maximum. I know women were seperate from men for
certain. There was a lockdown block where you were locked down
for 23 hours a day. And there was a trustee block for inmate
workers. There was probably also a work release block as well. Tom: There was the general population, newly arrived,
isolated inmates for their bad behaviors, the
medical block for the sick/ill inmates. There's also
the block for the employed inmates who worked at the
laundry, and the kitchen.
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Stacy: I don't know Ron: The intake block was pretty terrible because there were usually
more people then cells so there were people sleeping in plastic
boats on the floor. There was no remote for controlling the TV
channel. Once getting to minimum, medium, or maximum there
was less people, better food, control of the TV, but the cells were
still pretty cramped. In the lockdown block however the cell was
alot bigger. The toilet was bigger. The bed wasnt a bunk and you
got to be by yourself. Tom: It was the empty and dark block for me which was the
odd due to the general population. The nice part
about the block is that it was pretty quiet and
empty made it easier for me to not worry about the
problems caused by the inmates. It was easier to
avoid any issue.