Interview with Jared, Bree, George, Sherry and Timothy
JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Jared: yes, no one knows who to trust or who is trying
to play you. so you trust no one and you do your
best to make it seem like if anyone messed with
you that they would regret it Bree: yes it was hard finding people to get along with.
everybodys always trying to get people into trouble
and stealing from you. always wanting to start
fights in there no matter what. George: Most of the inmates were pretty cool and easy to
get along with.Then you have the inmates that have
an attitude and they look for fights.I just
ignored it cause you pretty much have to. Sherry: No I didn't I had a few hard words with
maybe two people. But if you mind your
own and don't cause a stir then life goes
way way smoother. Timothy: For the most part i got along with everyone. There were a few
incidents where it almost got physical, but i have pretty good
restraint and they never made the first move. Definetly stressful but
there are some decent people in there, makes it a little better when
you have a friend or someone to talk to in there.
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Jared: there is nothing you can do. some inmates just
look for trouble, and will go after anyone for
no reason Bree: i just mainly went to work all day long(trustee)and
hung out on my bunk reading or writing or even
talked on the phone or went to wreck. time went by
faster that way, just keep to yourself and people
wont have a way to start no problems or fights with
you George: I wouldn't even look at the trouble makers.Most of
the time i wouldn't play cards either cause i saw
a guy get accused of cheating and he threw his cup
of juice at the guy and a fight was on.It was
pretty much don't give anyone any fuel to start a
fight. Sherry: You just have to stay out of peoples business.
Don't complain too much. Of course there are
always people you will clash with. And if you are
confronted by someone be it verbally or
physically don't back down. If you don't show you
are week then people wont assume you are. Timothy: I wouldn't get involved in any arguments, minded my own business.
All i wanted to do was do my time and go home..i made that very
clear to everyone that i wasn't a threat. For the most part if you
mind your own business you won't have a problem in there.
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Jared: dont know what you mean by this, choose a
inmate. do you mean roommate. if so no Bree: no we did not really have a choice, depending on the
officer that was watching us on the shift, sometimes
they do not mind as long as the reason is legit George: The inmates have no say at all who they get as a
cellmate.My cellmate was an older guy named
woodrow and he wasn't bad to bunk with.I had about
a month left to do and i got a new cellmate. Sherry: No we had bunk areas. 6 bunk areas three on the
top level and three on the bottom. About 12 bunks
to each area. They were changed and moved at the
Officers discretion. Timothy: I was in a big tent, for a drug rehab program in jail. I was not able
to choose who i bunked with. We would get new people in almost
daily. It was considered a privilege to be in the program so people
would frequently get taken out for bad behavior.