Interview with Jared, Bree, George, Sherry and Timothy
JM: How many different blocks were there? Jared: 8 Bree: im not sure how many blocks there was George: There was 16 blocks total. Sherry: oh lord there were 4 women's dorms. I'm not sure
how many men's dorms. then medical as well as
first appearance and holding. As well as the
hole. Which is disciplinary confinement. Timothy: There were 4 tents in the program area, 2 for trustees, one for
christian program, one for drug program.
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Jared: a-pod b-pod and so on Bree: i no they had dorms 1,2,3,4 and pods e-h not sure
about the rest George: They were labeled as north or south as in 4 south
and 3 north.
Sherry: yes dorm 1 dorm 2 ect. Medical, and the hole. Timothy: They used the letter a, so a-1, a-2, a-3, ect.
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Jared: sex crimes in one, murders in another. it goes
by your crime Bree: dorm 1 was trustee/weekender dorm. dorm 2 was for
the inhouse drug dorm (classes)dorm 3& 4 people that
incompatible with certain inmates. pods e (prison
pod) pods f & g(mental health)pod h(confinement) George: All of the sex offenders were housed in protective
custody.The really old and sick were kept in the
medical ward.Lee county has the maximum security
inmates at the courthouse jail. Sherry: Well there is general population where pretty
much everyone goes those are the dorms. Then
there are the hole for inmates who have got in
trouble or that a officer has deemed for some
reason an inmate has deserved that punishment. Timothy: You had to be a good behaving inmate to be in the tents, but the
longer term inmates usually were the trustees, they had priority.
The drug program had mostly drug users, or for court ordered
mandatory reasons.
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Jared: nothing nice about any of them. there all the
same Bree: the nicest thing i remember was that we would have
the oppurtunity to go outside and clean up the jail
and the worst parts was having to get shook down
every other day and they always throwin your stuff
out. didnt matter what you had they still threw it
out George: There wasn't anything good about the cell
blocks.They were always overcrowded when the bunks
were full they would give new inmates what they
called boats to sleep in on the floor.Then you
also have to deal with the inmates that stayed up
all night and played cards and yelled all night. Sherry: Nicest there are no nice things in jail. A good
officer from time to time. One officer in
particular I looked up to. Everyone hated her but
I didn't. The worst part well not being able to
shower when ever you want. Having to always be
under someone's watch. Not seeing the sun. I can
go on and on with the worst things about it. Timothy: The tents were the ideal place, Back when was in jail the stockade
was outside. No air conditioning, it got really unbearable in the
summer and people would get angry so much easier because of the
heat. Also in the tents you would go get food, not have it brought
to you, this means you get a hot meal every time not a cold meal
like the stockade.