Interview with Jared, Bree, George, Sherry and Timothy
JM: How many meals did you get per day? Jared: 3 Bree: only 3 meals a day George: 3 hot meals is what they fed us but every week it
would be a sack lunch least once.It would contain
a sandwich,usually bologna,a cookie, a juice
box,and a banana. Sherry: three hopefully. we are only required to have one
hot meal. so that privilege can be taken to a
certain extent too. Timothy: I got 3 meals a day.
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Jared: worst food in the world. always ice cold Bree: ugh the food sucked!! it looked they gave you
leftovers from the garbage can. it stunk and the
ziti was always hard or had something in it. they
gave you way to much bread and the juice tasted like
it was watered down. didnt even taste like juice.
your better off not eatting or just get canteen. George: The food there made me miss the old school lunches
we used to get as kids in school.the eggs the
served were steamed and barely done.A lot of the
food there was barely qualify as food anyways.For
breakfast it would be a sausage patty,a piece of
soggy toast and a carton of milk,and a pat of jelly. Sherry: Well its five star. Just joking its food. I guess
I could say it was just ok. when you don't have a
choice in what you eat you just eat what's in
front of you. of course you hope for certain
meals some are better than others. Although
served with every meal is two slices of whit
bread. Timothy: The food wasn't that bad, the problem is the portions. You would
get 2 pieces of bread with every meal, a small protein, a small
veggie and a small dessert. Most of the stuff wasn't bad though, the
sausage gravy on friday mornings was my favorite. That was one of
the few meals that filled me up.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Jared: no Bree: there was no favorite meals in there for me. i lived
off canteen when i was in there. trade my trays for
canteen. the worst meal id have to say would be the
ziti. noodles were always cold and hard. there would
always be something in your food. George: On Thursday they had fried chicken night which was
nice.I knew a guy i could trade a fried chicken
tray for two different ones. Sherry: Grits for breakfast was my favorite. my least
favorite is the half warm with a dot of mustard
bologna sandwiches. Timothy: The sausage gravy breakfast tray, least favorite was the eggs.
powdered eggs that are soggy are not good. Dinner had the
sausage meal which was good, the rest were edible.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Jared: you could buy snacks on canteen Bree: no the only snacks you could have was off canteen.
they didnt give you nothing other then the meals.
they would give you tiny little bags of chips for
almos 3 bucks and chocolate bars were almost 2
bucks. it was expensive for everything in there George: Every now and then one of the trustees would pass
out leftover bologna or peanut butter
sandwiches.The commissary was very expensive.They
had a good selection of food to choose from.I had
80 cents on my books and i ordered a bear claw for
79 cents. Sherry: for free no. however there was commissary. it was
reasonable depending on what you wanted. snacks
were obiviously more expensive than necessities.
however you will find that a package of cookies
can do more than fill your stomache. Timothy: Yes if your diabetic you get a free peanut butter and jelly sandwich
for a snack at night. If not you have to purchase commissary. Its
about average prices, a dollar for a candy bar, 2 bucks for chips, 2
for cookies. You can order once a week and you get it on tuesday.