Interview with Jared, Bree, George, Sherry and Timothy
JM: How long was your sentencing for? Jared: 2 years in prison 10 years probation Bree: it was a year sentence George: 6 months time but for good behavuor you do 85 percent Sherry: I was sentenced to nine months in Lee
County jail early release conditional on
completion of a program. Timothy: I was sentenced to 3 months for the violation of probation, with a
new felony charge. I also got sentenced 3 months for the felony
charge, which ran concurrent with the other sentence, Thus i did 3
JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Jared: you can have 1000 people around you but you
still feel so alone Bree: no being in the holding cell sucked more then being
in a dorm. the benches they have are never cleaned
and its always freezing in there, when your in a
dorm you can at lease coverup with a blanket. George: After i was arrested i sat in a holding cell for 3
days before i was processed and sent to the was a living hell.the food sucked egg
sandwiches for breakfast and balogna for lunch. Sherry: Yes I spent what seemed like hours but was
probably only an hour. I was nerve
racking. You can here every sound that
goes through there. And all you have time
to do is think and wonder. Timothy: By the time i had went to my sentencing hearing, i had served 3
months so they let me out with time served. They didn't let me at
court though, they took me back to the stockade, and i had to go
through a few hour process of getting released. Going from holding
cell to holding cell.