JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Kyle: No I did not, but I was put in a very mild pod. Alan: respect is a big thing and lots of them jujst
want to do there time and go home no we play
cards alot for candy bars but everyone pretty
much keeps to them selves Mary: I pretty much stayed to myself so I had no
problems getting along with anyone I read a lot
of books and I did converse with my room mates
but I didn't go in the day room I would take my
showers daily and I stayed in my cell other than
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Kyle: I just minded my own business and stay away from aggressive
inmates. Alan: cant say it enough respect that is the biggest
thing in a cell respect
shre the tv time also just keep your nose clean
when its time to sleep and time to wake up also
when you go to rec maake sure you keep your nose
clean and show respect to all Mary: STAYED TO MYSELF which to me isn't too difficult
I have anxiety as is so I just stayed to myself
and did not really talk to any one I didn't care
to talk to anyone. I had been trying to change my
life so jail wasn't a place that I was looking
for friends ya know. I was friendly and not rude
but I didn't go out of my way to talk to anyone
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Kyle: I did not know any other inmates that were in the jail. Alan: no we had 20 men in our cell they bpick the cell
you go in you cannot request a cell unless there
are isues then you can ask to be placed in a
different cell Mary: NO I wasn't and the way they had it set up was
unfair they didn't have a disciplinary dorm where
inmates that get into trouble go to like
confinement they get put in your cell then your
whole cell is locked down except for an hour a
day so me as some one not in trouble would have
to choose to stay out all day or stay in and that
is not fair we lose so much already but to be
punished with others that do still do bad is not