JM: How many meals did you get per day? Kyle: We received three meals a day. Alan: you got three breakfast lunch and dinner Mary: Three meals a day if you call what they call
breakfast a meal
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Kyle: The portions were small. I lost 20 pounds. Alan: the food was not to bad sometimes if you were
one the last cell block by the time it got to
you sometimes it would be cold and no food
tastes to good cold if it was ment to be hot but
it really was nbot to bad at all Mary: It really wasn't that bad compared to other
places I have been in. I did like the veggies
that they served and I don't really have too many
complaints about the food I liked the salad and
the beans I am a country girl so the things they
served fit into my lifestyle and had flavor
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Kyle: I liked the chicken but hated the pasta. Alan: not really they gave you all kids of meals the
biggest complaint was they did not give you
enough food Mary: I did not care for breakfast too much because at
3:30am a little box of cereal and a little thing
of milk it not my favorite I guess that the
favorite was burrito day
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Kyle: They offer commissary to inmates with money on there books. It's
anything from personal hygiene stuff to cookies, chips, instant
soup, candy bars. Alan: you had to have family put money in your account
and you would check off whaT SNACKS YOU WANTED
VIR TO YOUR CELL ONCE A WEEK Mary: there was only snacks offered if you had money
and I didn't have too much and the prices were
pretty steep for the small amount of servings you
get so there are some people like me that did go
a little hungry at night