JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Kyle: Once you are processed you have to go to a bail hearing where you
hear the exact charges against you and the amount your bail is, if
you should get one. Sometimes you can be released without a cash
bond. Alan: they came out with a offer of 4 years probation
so we took it they do alot of talking the public
deffender your lawyer and the judge about your
charges and what the plea deal is or do you
want to go to a jury the public deffender and
your lawyer have to aggree Mary: I was taken into the booking area where I sat for
hours and hours not able to use a phone for a
long time and then I had my picture taken and my
fingerprints done and a print out of my charges.
After hours I was taken stripped searched and
given county issued clothing from underwear and
uniform and taken to housing. The next day I was
taken for an advisory hearing where I was
informed by a judge of my charges and then taken
back to dorm and waited until I was given an
attorney and they decided to come and visit me.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Kyle: No but they did find me about ten miles away. They questioned me
for about five minutes and then they arrested me. Alan: they called the house and asked me to come to
the pasco county sheriffs office to talk when i
got therte they put the cuffs on told me i was
being charged took me to a holding cell till the
mourning to see a judge where i got ror and was
sent home Mary: I was going into my doctors appointment to let
them know I had moved to another county and my ex
called the DEA on me it was an abusive
relationship and a DEA officer entered the
doctors office asked me to step outside where
there was a whole swat team waiting for me and
they tore through my mothers van and talked down
to me didn't want to hear anything I had to say
they had the opinions made by my ex's call and
that was that nothing I said really mattered to
anyone at that point so I knew I had a fight on
my hands.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Kyle: My first court appearance was 35 days after I was incarcerated. I
didn't have the money for bail or I could have been home all that
time. It started at 4:30 in the morning, when we were woken up.
We showered, then taken to a holding cell where inmates from
all over the jail were being processed for their court day. We
were in there for around 3 hours. We were given breakfast. When
it was time to be transported we were taken out of the holding
cell one at a time and were checked off. Then we were hand
cuffed and shackled. We were then put in a small transport van
and driven to the court house in New Port Richey. We were then
escorted out of the van and separated by which court room we
were assigned. We were then put in holding cells by the proper
court room number. I happened to be the only one in that court
room so I was alone. I waited about an hour before the bailiff
came and escorted me to the court room. Alan: court was easy being we took the deal they help
adjucation and i went home you have your lawyer
with you and they have the public deffender and
the judge and baliff they have to aggree on the
plea deal and the judge has the finnal say on
your senteance Mary: I eventually did bond out and it was nerve
wrecking. While in custody you are shackled and
hand cuffed the whole time you don't really get
the time to talk to your attorney. The inmates
sat where the jury sits and the free people are
there watching also. I felt that my attorney was
very incompentent and not just in my case but in
others that I saw going on. Eventually I had to
beg my mother and father to bond me out and my
fiancé paid for a street attorney and that is the
only way that this case was handled properly.
Pasco is a very very slow and the WORST place I
have ever been
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Alan: avg assult tempering with a state wittness and
auto burgley Mary: Obtaining Scripts by fraud
felon in possession of fire arm
With holding information from practioner
The only charge that I ended up being sentenced
on was the with holding information from a
practioner which is doctor shopping