Interview with Jessica, Sarah, Curt, Brad, Peter and Michael
JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)? Jessica: The blue jumpsuits were whe most common. You
could also find the women wearing orange shorts
and white t-shirts. Sarah: blue jumpsuites were mandatory out of your room.
You could wear orange shorts and white T-shirts
at rec time Curt: blue overalls. Brad: Blue jumpsuit that said Seminole County jail on
the back. On work releae you wear orange pants
and orange shirt. Peter: Other than wearing our blues (uniform) there were
basketball shorts which were sold at the prison,
white tees, and tennis shoes. Michael: I brought my own boxers 4 pair, 4 pair of socks, 4
tshirts I layered them the day I went to court
because I knew I was more than likely going to jail.
JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you. Jessica: The uniform was pretty much set as the blue
jumpsuit. Long pants and short sleeves. Sarah: yes it was blue and it was a jumpsut Curt: blue overalls. Brad: Just the jumpsuit. Peter: We wore a blue short sleeved top, blue pants with
a white stripe down the side, boots, and a belt. Michael: Depending on what part of the jail you are in
depends on the uniform you wear. If you are
outside the jail usually they make you wear a
bright orange jump suit. Some wear blue.
JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned? Jessica: You should order bras, panties and tshirts from
commessary. Only disposable underwear would be
provided to to you in the beginning and only one
pair. Shorts would also be a decent investment. Sarah: make sure they're a little bigger than wht you
would normally wear so you're comfortable Curt: i dont know. Brad: You could get boxers, socks, thermal shirts and
pants from commissary. Peter: Yes. Anything new. New boots, pants, shirts, or
anything like that is hard to come by in prison.
They usually hand out old tore up and worn out
clothing. So if you can get anything new, either
hold it and keep it for a while, or sell it for
top dollar. Michael: Slides that don't have holes, just things that
aren't so used they are falling apart.
JM: Was the clothing different between men and women? Jessica: I don't really know what the men wore in the
cell but I saw many with the same blue jumpsuits
on in the halls and I also saw some with red
pants and red short sleeved shirts. I think
those people were federal. Sarah: no Curt: no. it was all the same. Brad: Same blue jump suit. Peter: I was not housed with women so i do not know. Michael: I honestly don't know the answer to that question