Interview with Jessica, Sarah, Curt, Brad, Peter and Michael
JM: How long was your sentencing for? Jessica: My sentencing didn't make any sense. My paper
before first appearance said "No Bond for 72
hours" but when I got to court she said that I
got no bond until my next court date which was
to be on July 21, 2008. That was on June 19,
2008. Clearly FAR more than 72 hours. No one
ever gave me the paper to fill out for a public
defender, yet I found out when it was too later
that I was appointed to one. Sarah: 60 days with 5 days credit for time served Curt: 30 days Brad: 90 days. Peter: 54 months. Michael: Six Months due to habitual driving offense due to
child support hold on my license.
JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead? Jessica: I spent the day and night prior in the holding
cell more so. Only a few hours in holding after
first appearance. It was freezing cold in there.
There was one toilet with a sink on top of it in
there and no walls or anything for privacy. They
gave us plastic mats to sit or lay on and we got
blankets between 9pm and 6am but none at all
outside of that time. They took the sheets and
blankets away despite the frigid temperatures.
During the night there was no rest, people came
in and were being pulled out for processing
constantly. The corrections officer also felt it
necessary to slam the door every single time. Sarah: I spent time in a holding cell at my turn in
date at the courthouse and at the jail. At the
courthouse as soon as they took me out of the
courtroom. The sheriff asked me what I wanted
for breakfast the next day whether it be grits
or eggs and made me speak into a microphone my
decision. This being my first trip to jail I
didn't know that you don't get a choice so this
was purely just to humiliate me. The cells at
the courthouse are small and I was in one by
myself for probably only about 20 min with no
toilet and a 3 feet long concrete bench. The
holding cell at the jail is probably 20 x 10
feet. It has metal benches that wrap around 3 of
the 4 walls and a metal toilet in the corner.
It's always very cold and the lights never get
shut off. Curt: yes i spent 24 hours in holding. and it sucked! population is much not at all Brad: A couple of hours, typical holding cell,
concrete, steel toiliet and sink. You just sit in
there twiddling your thumbs unitl they call you
up. Peter: The holding cell after sentencing is really hard
for me to remember because I think I was just numb
and emotionally drained after being given a
sentence of 4.5 years and only being 19 yrs old. I
just remember thinking about how the judges last
words to me were "goodluck". Good luck is
something you say when throwing horseshoes, not
after sentencing a man to prison. I remember being
in the holding cell with about 10 other inmates
and it was unusually quiet in there. I think just
about everyone got bad news that day. Michael: Yes many hours, I have been in the facility before
so it was nothing new to me, I slept most of the
time. You just are held there and move from one
location to another.