Interview with Jessica, Sarah, Curt, Brad, Peter and Michael
JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications? Jessica: You could have medications if you made a sick
call to medical or if your doctor transferred
papers over to the jail. Sarah: I went off my bi polar med in jail and it took
about a week and a half to get back on
something. What they give you is the cheapest
thing they can to just pacify the problem. Curt: i do not take any meds. Brad: Yes, they handed out medications, twice a day. Peter: Yes. Michael: Depending or what was wrong with you.
JM: How did you get your medications? Jessica: There was a pill cart that would come around to
the cells at night and deliver people their
medications or you would get called up to
medical to receive your medication. Sarah: the nurse came at ten in the morning and at 10
at night. Curt: see above. Brad: The nurse would make the rounds. Peter: If you took meds daily they would have a med call
in the morning and afternoon where you would line
up and recieve meds. Or you could fill out a sick
call to see a doctor and he would give over the
counter meds. Michael: I only got advil and the such I believe if you
were on other meds they did a med call and it was
a crazy house.
JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this? Jessica: You would probably have to go to lock-down
isolation for 10 days or so for violating the
rules with the medications. Sarah: you were put in the box. in solitary. usually
they just put you there for 30 days and you lost
your state time Curt: i didnt see any of that. Brad: Punishment was stiff. 30 day in the box. Peter: 60 days in confinement, loss of all gain time, and
possibly loose your visitation priviledges. Michael: I saw people on drugs did not ever see the
punishment. My assumption is they were put in the
hole and then a court and another charge put on
them and it would be a big charge for bringing
drugs into a facility