Interview with Jessica, Sarah, Curt, Brad, Peter and Michael
JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Jessica: It wasn't really difficult. I stayed in the
Trustee cell so everyone in there worked in the
jail pretty much. No one instigated anything but
I'm sure no one really wanted to go to lock-
down, a cell all by yourself for several days to
a month. Sarah: No because I kept to myself until I felt out how
everything ran and which people were the trouble
makers. Curt: no not at all.n you all know you are in there so
make the most of it. Brad: Me personally... I usually get along with
everybody. Of course there are challenges. You
shouldn't snithc, or show signs of weakness. Peter: I got along well with most inmates while i was in
Seminole County Jail. It was more laid back than
you would expect. In D block I think everyone was
more worried about taking care of their open cases
than starting trouble in the cell block. Once I
got to prison that would all change though. When I
first got to my camp, (which was Brevard CI at the
time) I got along with a few inmates but mostly
spent my time fighting because I was a new cock
and was given no respect at first. But as time
went on the altercations became few and far between. Michael: I was made an outside trustee quickly after
entering the facility so I did not have much time
to spend with other inmates that were not interest
in getting out.
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Jessica: I was just myself. I was polite and friendly to
everyone. I immediately made a few decent
friends and most of the people in the pod were
pretty courteous. I didn't sit where I knew
someone was sitting, I was almost overly sweet,
portrayed a good attitude and would share my
food (or "chow") with people. Anyone that seemed
like they had an unshifting bad attitude, I just
avoided. Sarah: I didn't talk negatively about people and I kept
to myself. Curt: nothing i was ok. Brad: Keep to yourself. Dont get into any knd of debts,
don't gamble, don't take something and say "I'll
pay you back" then you don't. That's going to
cause problems. Peter: Fights and problems are a part of inmate life.
There is no avoiding it. But to limit the number a
fights or problems you will have there are few
things that you can do. Avoid gambling all
together. Either someone is going to get mad that
you are winning and want to fight about it. Or
they will just not pay what they owe then you are
faced with a decision to either let it go and risk
being seen as soft and get ran over for the rest
of your sentence, or you can fight about it and
risk everything that comes along with that. Also
minding your own business is a great way to stay
out of trouble. If it doesn't concern you then
ignore it. Also keeping yourself and your living
space clean will avoid problems. I've seen alot of
people fighting about hygeine. Michael: Read books, call my girlfriend, sleep. Talk with
other inmates that are interested in getting out
instead of continually re-offending. I was trying
to get myself back on track and I was doing good
for someone and just wasn't thinking and made a
bad choice. There are many in there that do not
have any interest in changing their lives.
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Jessica: I did not know any of the inmates in there but I
do know for a fact that they randomly would
assign you to a bunk and there was no changing
that assignment once it was set. Sarah: no Curt: NO WE WERE NOT ABLE TO PICK ANYTHING. Brad: Ohh no. When I first got there I was in a dorm
type room and they assign you to a bed and that's
it. Peter: I was never able to choose a bunkee at any facility. Michael: No, there were times I would go many weeks with
same bunkie but when you are a trustee many of
those guys are close to going home so it can
change often. I did have a few that were
"requested" to be moved away from us so that we
could not have problems