JM: How many meals did you get per day? Clara: 3 Carlos: 3 Oscar: 3 I can not answer this any further as I don't
know the procedures for this out come as I had
always been in custody and am not sure what you
want to know else. Lori: Three.
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Clara: totally disgusting! i wouldnt feed that stuff to my
dog Carlos: It sucks. No flavor. Always got you sick. Oscar: on a scale of 1-10, -10. was nutritionally
deprived of nutrition. I can not answer this any
further as I don't know the procedures for this
out come as I had always been in custody and am
not sure what you want to know else. this is
really annoying to have a minimum word count Lori: The food was essentially garbage. Dinner was
always the worst. It was greasy and looked like
someone spit all over it. Breakfast and lunch were
extremely small portions.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Clara: it was all gross Carlos: The worst was breakfast. A favorite was biscuits
and gravy. Oscar: no I can not answer this any further as I don't
know the procedures for this out come as I had
always been in custody and am not sure what you
want to know else. Lori: Dinner.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Clara: i dont know Carlos: You could order commissary I think once or twice a
week. Oscar: no. and yes they had commissary, and expensive. I
can not answer this any further as I don't know
the procedures for this out come as I had always
been in custody and am not sure what you want to
know else. Lori: No.