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Interview with Mathew

JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't.
Mathew: I had a couple problems. I'm in my 40's so most of the guys didn't bother me. I wasn't in the really bad part of the jail. They put me in protective custody. Murderers and child molesters were also in my pod. I was in A pod. I think they were protecting me because I was just in there for child support. I had a guy threaten me and he was my bunk mate. I think he had some mental problems. I had 10 cell mates and had trouble with 2 of them.

JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates?
Mathew: I read a lot and I stayed to myself mostly. I think my age helped too. I didn't really see any fights. I heard of a couple times people got beat up. One was a guy that had killed a child.

JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change?
Mathew: Not really. I was in a two man cell, but you could move to a 7 or 8 man cell where they had a tv. I preferred the quiet.

Read about time off for good behavior in the Vanderburgh County Jail