JM: How many different blocks were there? Brandon: There were four blocks and they were colored
coded and by letter. Lydia: There were four different blocks setup up for
both the men and the women
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Brandon: Blocks A through D. Which were broken down in
four sections. Lydia: Well at the time that I occupied the facility the
block were labeled a-d
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Brandon: Mostly petty crime individuals such as myself
who were charged with misdemeanors simple
assault violation of probation not complying with
restraining orders etc. Nothing in particular that
you wouldn't find at any minimum security facility. Lydia: This glen burnie county facility housed minimum
security inmates with charges such as petty theft,
possession of a controlled substance, violating a
restraining order, or those that had a warrant out
for their arrest.
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Brandon: The jail was cleaner than most (DC Jail) not that
I spent time in other jails but sometimes there
were brief visits. Now don't get me wrong I think
that all jails could stand an overhaul but I guess
that its not up to me and what I think is the worst
is jail period. Lydia: Well the only difference would be the color
transformation each block had a different color
ranging from orange, purple, blue, and yellow.
And one of the worst things about this situation
was being incarcerated period let alone putting
up with grown men and women giving orders in a
disrespectful manner to other grown men and