JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Brandon: Well initially I would not have imagine that it
would take so long to be sentence for such a
minor and mutual crime committed by both
parties but unfortunately things did not go in my
favor. But sentencing resulted in my short stay at
the county. I wasn't able to speak on behalf of
my case and the representation that I was given
wasn't up to par. Lydia: Don't get me started the sentencing was a
process that was long and drawn out due to the
fact in which it took a total of 52 days to be
sentence to a minimum of six months for a
marijuana charge that was unfounded and in
which it resulted in a paraphernalia charge
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Brandon: On the day in question officers were called to the
scene where they were responding to a group
fight that was between two families to which I
was arrested statements were given from both
myself and another person that was in question
in essence I was transported to jail received a
trial and sentenced to the terms that were given Lydia: I wasn't under a warrant nor did officers come to
my residence. I was pulled over on a traffic stop
for a blown tail light to which then was followed
by an illegal search for unspecified reasons and
followed by an arrest and a impoundment of my
vehicle due to suspected activity that was
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Brandon: I don't really like the way that any court system
operates to many lengthy details about a bunch
of bullshit with disrespecting lawyer bailiff's
officers and defendant's as well. And also there
seems to be no reason for a judge in a trial case
when the jury ultimately determines the out come
of the case. Lydia: Unpleasant as most of the misdemeanor cases
are. I felt that the judge residing over the case
was bias to people that are of lower or of a
middle class community that did not represent
what he may have considered as law abiding
citizens of the community. And to unfortunately
being represented by a public defender resulted
in no help at all.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Brandon: My original charges were assault with a deadly
weapon but it was later reduced to simple
assault. Lydia: Possession of a controlled substance